Introduction Hello Fellow ForgeHubee's, this is my first upload to forgehub so i would appreciate a warm welcome and a bit of disgression for my mistakes made in this thread. Obviously, i encourage constructive critscism and other feedback though. Highway Diner is a linear infection map that is based around an american diner near a highway. Ive always liked the idea of making a map like this. The map itself has 4 phases to it which is the amount i usually use in this type of map. Phase #1-The Highway in this first section, humans spawn on the highway and have to quickly gather themselves and cross the highway to get to the diner. Kill boundaries prevent any wandering from the highway or camping on the highway. As you move across the highway you will see lots of debris including an exploded tank. Zombies spawn on the right side about 60 metres (roughly) off the highway. Humans are quickly attacked by these zombies and the gameplay is really good in this section. When you get to the Diner, you have to hold off zombies for roughly about 15 seconds. this shouldnt be too difficult however zombies can spawn from a flanking teleporter so can attack from both sides. Phase #2-The Diner This is my favourite part of the map and is the main phase in the map (as you can see by the map). Humans can enter the diner after around 50 seconds via a big explosion. this explosion causes crates to topple and so they can enter. Once inside the diner you will notice lots of turned over tables and a couple of weapon caches including a DMR which is invaluable in this gametype. It may seem pretty easy to defend however after around 90 seconds a teleporter will spawn around the back of the diner and will cause havoc if not properly defended. Phase #3-Into the Caves After 100 seconds, a gravity lift will move two crates which gives humans access to the back of the diner where you will find the supplies storage with a couple of bits of ammo. Once you stock up on ammo, Humans can move through the hole in the wall at the back of the diner. The cave tunnel is small and narrow and makes you fell quite enclosed. Humans then reach an inner cave section with larger rooms that can be used to hold off in. This is the smallest section of the map and also the shortest. The gameplay will be close-quarters but nothing too challenging as there is no additional teleporter that spawns for zombies. After around two and a half minutes a small rock spawns which allows humans to progress to the final phase Phase#4-Cave wall This is the final phase of the map and takes place in an enclosed rocky area with a large rock wall. This map features a collapsed building that has fallen off the above cliff and has lots of debris but a couple of hidden weapons. There is also a turret however this turret can only see the entrance from the third phase so is not overpowered in that respect. after a while, zombies gain access to an additional teleporter that spawns them on top of the rock wall. the zombies can then attack humand from the cliffs and again makes for quite fun gameplay. Humans really have to work togather in this last phase to survive the full round but can be done with relative ease. Conclusion The map as mentioned above, is slightly favoured towards humans but zombies can easily pull off a quick win if they play their cards right. one of the most important things that humans must use is cover and teamwork. Their are many areas in the map that require aid from other humans on your team. For example, to get into the diner after the explosion can sometimes produce a slaughter as it isnt always easy getting past the crates. However, humans who first get into the diner can stand at the entrance and provide covering fire for humans trying to get into the diner. Finally, i would really recommend this map to anyone who enjoys a good game of linear infection and likes playing in a themed map. It plays well and is very enjoyable. Discalimer: One problem with this map is initial framerate. When you first start a round of this map, you will more than likely experience a 'lag' or framerate drop. this should only occur for at most 10 seconds. If you find persisting problems with the framerate please make a point of it in this thread response but it should be allright (touch wood). Other than that guys, please enjoy
To me it looks like you made Insanmiac's "Nowhere, USA" and turned it linear. Its not a bad thing at all though. Other than that I don't like how there's a storage room in a cave, but other than that it looks interesting. I'll check this out later.
this looks really really good!! I LOVE AESTHETIC MAPS LIKE THIS!!! it puts a little story and meaning into the maps.. and i really like the adventure aspect you put in. you got my dowload for shure lol keep it up man!!
@ziggywig: i appreciate where your coming from but insanmiacs map is a holdout type map based around JUST a gas station. My map follows a highway, a diner and a cave so its quite different in many ways. oh and the storage room is part of the diner. perhaps i didnt make that clear sorry but its not part of the cave.
This map looks good, but not in every part of the map. I really don't see the point of using antenas for street lights, it takes a chunk out of your budget and it doesn't even look that good. That sign that says "Diner" has been done before, I am not saying you stole it, but some people might think you did. The inside doesn't remind me much of a diner, but it is decent. The outside of the map looks ok, but some of your rocks have different colours, but you cant really do anything about that. Overall this map could be better.
The idea is pretty bland. Only because it's been done before and isn't too refreshing. The map does look pretty fun to play on. I like that you have to make it through the highway first. The diner should have been the only holdout in my opinion. After all, the map is called Highway Diner not Highway Diner with a secret cave and extra map added to it. You could have then made the Diner bigger, and harder to overrun. I wanna test this sometime. So I'm downloading.
I meant the idea and atmosphere reminds me of Nowhere, USA. Both consist of a small and sole building on a highway in the middle of butt**** nowhere.