1v1 Water Plant

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by 00DirtyMick00, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. 00DirtyMick00

    00DirtyMick00 Promethean

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    this is a 1v1 map i made that really tired to focus on ghost gameplay, i figured it would be pretty unique for a 1v1 map, although the gameplay doesn't really focus around he ghost like i thought it would. it still plays well, just not how i thought it would. but yeah that's about it. gimmie some feedback :)


    2 dmrs
    2 plasma pistols
    1 sniper
    1 grenade launcher
    4 plasma grenades


    1 ghost


    SinlessLegend, for helping with the grenade launcher spawn and rock aesthetics and the bottom of the canyon





    #1 00DirtyMick00, Aug 5, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2012
  2. Yellow Sausage

    Yellow Sausage Promethean

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    Wow! this is new and very unique. The ghost could be what makes this good or bad. Still the way you implemented the cover pieces is great. I'll try get a game on this soon.
  3. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    First off, let me say that the map looks like it was forged cleanly, and that it has nice structure. Good job on that.

    I feel like this map would function much better for 2v2 because of the symmetrical layout, the lines of sight, and the scale. Plus on 2v2 the ghost would feel more balanced.

    The lift platform would benefit from another route from ghost room.

    Snipe spawn is a death trap, and the risk is much greater than the reward. I was thinking that there could be another platform directly under the middle platform that connected to snipe spawn and each team's initial spawn. It would be a big change, but it would benefit the map greatly with gameplay similar to Narrows where you use the bottom portion to flank the enemy, while the top portion has the greatest LoS. I could show you next time I'm on if you want. Send me a msg or FR.

    Replace Sniper with Spartan Laser! Spartan Laser is like a Sniper in the right hands, and it would be a memorable feature of the map.
  4. 00DirtyMick00

    00DirtyMick00 Promethean

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    i don't fully understand what your saying but ill definitly send you a FR and have you look at it, because this map has been bothering me for a while, i was under the impression that the map would have the teams sorta circle around like on a race track sorta, except slayer, if that makes any sense, but everyone rushes to the ghost center part of the map, and rarely uses the ghost, i was hoping there would be more gameplay around the bottom half of the map near the sniper spawn. however people only go there to get the sniper then instantly take the grav lift.
  5. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Oh, I remember this map , you showed me this a couple months ago. I could definitely see some aesthetic improvements, but the light really bothers me, seeing that there are already a buncha stuff placed on the map itself, it could be more of a problem (frame rate) than a help to the aesthetic part of the map. It also gives it a noobish feel, you don't want that considering the rest of the map being anything but that.
  6. 00DirtyMick00

    00DirtyMick00 Promethean

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    i didn't see any frame rate anywhere, i sure hope there's none...? your talking about the light with the teleporter frame right, yeah that was sorta last minute, what's making me mad now is the plain wall coliseum pieces, i think imma delete the light and add some maybe staircase peices down the back half of the wall coliseums just make them look a lil different, idk...
    #6 00DirtyMick00, Aug 7, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2012
  7. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    First off I will say that I am quite impressed with this. Looks clean, looks solid. But what's more is that it is unique! A ghost in 1v1 and 2v2 that may be a great idea if implemented correctly.
    Not sure how it plays on this map.

    However I noticed a few things that aesthetically would make the map look (in my opinion) better.
    In the picture where it shows the ghost spawn.

    I suggest you get rid of the bench tere. It looks quite thrown in because you do not have a constant theme in them map that involves benches so it looks kind of random (if I am making any sense)

    Also that door piece with the health pack.

    I cannot quite place my finger on it but it looks kind of...bad?
    No not bad. I don't know but it just seems better if that was not just sticking out of the middle of the floor.
    Perhaps put a column on the ledge(like a support column that runs to the celing of that area) and put the health pack on that instead.

    Anyways those are just my opinions.
    Great job overall.
  8. 00DirtyMick00

    00DirtyMick00 Promethean

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    the healthpack peice was placed there to save budget, i know it doesn't look great. imma have to start putting out map previews because you guys are totally right about everything your saying. the reason why I added the benches was because the brace pieces are far more colorful than most forge objects, when you change the color that is. i was trying to keep consistent with the "touch of purple" theme throughout most of the map. with the ghost, grenade launcher spawn and cov barricades down at the bottom near the also purple grav lift. idk, it fits the color theme, but i get what your saying, its an over used unoriginal design, ill release a second version of this map for sure :)

    ill mess with the weapon spawns and hopefully get Xzample to help me out with some layout issues, maybe then it play more unique like i was hoping...
    #8 00DirtyMick00, Aug 8, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2012
  9. jimmight

    jimmight Promethean

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    When we were looking through the other submissions we were glad to see that there were other maps such as this which were at least playable. Nice to see another map that supports vehicular combat :p

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