Just jumped on Live today and had a message from a friend telling me to go to a site called PointGods.com, saying he got 1600 points for free. Immediately suspicious, I decided to check it out for the sake of checking it out, and the first page it has asks you to put your email address and password and whatnot in, and alarm bells started ringing in my head. I thought pretty much straight away that this would be a scam, but the fact that I Googled "is pointgods.com a scam" and it came up with this site pretty much confirmed it. If you'll look at the last post, it's dated August 6th. It's only the 5th here. And the fact that the messages sound extremely computer generated. For reference, this is the message that got sent to me. Don't know if it's a generic message that gets sent out once your profile gets hacked, but here it is anyway; "hey man [noparse]www.PointGods.com[/noparse] has free microsoft point cards i just got 1600 for free " Be cautious, my friends.
I get messages that people created accounts for me on playfire.com. Not sure if it just gives you malware or what.
I've read some pretty generic, computer generated comments, but those are just horrible. Even the usernames are incredibly generic and unbelievable. I don't get these often, but I know what to expect if I get the message now, haha. Thanks for that xun. EDIT: Haha, tricky.
Pff, Xun obviously wants to horde all the points for himself. I'm not falling for it, those 1600 points are mine
Good for you. You're an independent individual. If your account gets hacked, my theory is that it might be similar to something like this: We are legion
I remember getting this too, possibly the most awkward thing to happen. Yep, I've earned $2,500 from walmart gift cards as well as $1000 from best buy. Idk what's taking them so long for me to finally receive the money though.
NOOOOOOOOO!!!! My scheme has backfired!!! EXCLAMAAAAATTTTTTIIIIIOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't get phished easy, I can just buy my points or I can get them through Bing Rewards. That's the real free way.
Don't worry guys, I got ya covered! According to this email I just received I have come into quite the windfall of cash thanks to a certain Nigerian prince. I will soon be getting everyone on Forge Hub all the M$ points they want with some of my millions that is soon to be wired directly into my bank account! Like a BOSS!
Bing rewards gives free microsoft points and is not a scam. Very minuscule amounts, though. Like 100msp every 5-8 days. You can do it here.