Mercury By Sunlit Fallen Mercury is a multi-tiered, 4v4, rotationally symmetrical map built in the quarry. Originally this map was inspired by Countdown. I'm not sure why, since I've had a love-hate relationship with that map since the very start. Though ultimately it just ended up being inspired by itself. It plays best with CTF, Crazy King, and Slayer variants. Enjoy and let me know what you guys think! Weapons: Sniper Rifle - 180 Seconds 2x Shotgun - 120 Seconds 2x Grenade Launcher - 120 Seconds 4x Plasma Pistol - 30 Seconds 4x DMR - 30 Seconds Needler - 90 Seconds 2x Plasma Grenade 8x Frag Grenade --- --- --- --- ---
the map looks good but it looks like it will have some gameplay problems, and some z-fighting i will look it over and get back to you with any problems. but other than that good job and keep forging
It actually doesn't have z-fighting. I made sure that the platform XLs and the 2x4 blocks were positioned in such a way that that wouldn't happen. Any other places with potential z-fighting have been dealt with as well. As for the gameplay, that's harder to say. I've not been able to get enough testing on the map, and when I do it's almost always FFA variants. =/ Other than that, thanks!
You should of made it two snipers one at each base like a lot of maps. If you want I can help play test. Im on almost every day
I chose one sniper over two because it was too easy for the snipers to pick each other off. Plus it was too much of a determent to gameplay. Any help with play testing would be appreciated! Though I am rarely on...