Example for posting Hey there All of you Contestants! This is where you will post your maps that you want in the Contest here. Just make sure you follow the Rules! Rules Here are the Guidelines that must be followed in order for your map to qualify into testing. ♦ You must only use Wall Colosseum and up to 25 other objects not including scenery, weapons, health packs or power ups. No more than 50 wall Colosseums + 25 structure objects/gadgets used.(spawning items, such as re-spawn points and kill boundries do not count!) ♦Must be forged on Forge World. ♦Support a competitive slayer based game-type. | 1v1 | 2v2 | 4v4 | 8v8 | ♦Have a valid link to your map. ♦Give a short description of the map including a photo. ♦Can not enter more than two maps. ♦Must follow ForgeHub's Rules. That means no modding! If your map does not follow this critique then it will be denied until fixed. Back to the Contest Main Page Deadline! The deadline is on August 27th 2012 @ 11:59 P.M. Central Any maps submitted afterwards will be denied. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Name: Grey Scale Game types: 1v1, Smackdown Link to map: Download Link to Game type: Download Picture/Video showing map. NOTE that this is not an entry, just an example to show you how to post your map.
Name: Steel-Type Gym Gametype: Smackdown 1v1 (**With Radar turned OFF) Map: Here Gametype Link: Smackdown (Radar must be turned off though) Description: A small, but partly segmented map designed to support 1v1 games. There are no powerups, but it currently supports shotgun (120s, 0sp), sniper (60s, 0sp), and grenade launcher (60s, 1 sp).
"♦Support a competitive slayer based game-type. | 1v1 | 2v2 | 4v4 | 8v8 |" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! I spent about 7 hours making a race. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!
Hmmmm... Who said you can host a contest for Forge hub? You're not a Journalist, not a Staff member, and what would you even win in the Contest? You cant submit it into matchmaking, because youre not staff at Forgehub.
*facepalm 1. It's a community contest, obivously nothing will get into matchmaking 2. Prizes are msp 3. You don't have part of the staff or be a journalist, it's a fun contest.
Name: Goldtyme Gametypes: 1v1 Smackdown (No Radar) Link to map: Here Link to Gametype: Here Description: It's a map with teleporters in it. Final non-coliseum wall object count: 21 This tourny is still going, right?