
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by SYLUX, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. SYLUX

    SYLUX Forerunner

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    Since the last time i posted a map. i have been so bussy working and studing. i have no longer time to forge but i made the try and I got 3 maps ready to be posted. this is my first map because its an idea i have since a long time ago. i tested with 4 players in live and dont have screen lag problems. maybe it got some lag but i think is when you put more than 6 players or 2 guests.
    its an small map for 6 players max but the concept of my map are the ascetics.

    This is my vision of a museum of art based in the "muca" in mexico city.
    is divides in 3 galeries, 2 corridors and a rock garden. it dont have too much power weapons because is cqc combat map and i dont like the campers.

    each galery has especific pieces of each stile.
    i hope you to enjoy this map. the other 2 are longer and i will post it when i finish all the details. maybe this 3 maps are the last maps who i post from halo reach. so see you on halo 4.

    is compatible with slayer, oddball and king of the hill

    weapons list.

    sniper rifle...............100 sec
    shotgun .................100 sec
    granade launcher......100 sec
    concusion rifle..........80 sec
    neeedler..................60 sec
    needle rifle x2...........30 sec
    dmr x2.....................30 sec

    IMPORTANT: this map wasn´t made to use jetpack but you can use it for reach high positions.



    In the rock garden you can see a neoclasic minimalist stile with two pieces made in art deco stile "Nopal" at the botom is a representation of a mexican cactus. and
    " The maw " inspired in the end of halo 1 and pac man.


    You can see the hall of mural peinting from here.

    Clasic portrait.


    In this room you can see clasi natural portrait and some models, the paiting are
    " the island " a night painting, " flow" who looks like a waterfall. "stacker" and "insanity".


    the "red dawn" a desert paintin is my personal favorite.

    Modern art.


    i dont understand nothin about modern art but here is my try to express something.
    the pieces are " nightfall" like the clasic beast with big red eyes. "Dance of sadness" a lot of chaotic pieces in a irregular composition. " acumulatec ", " agrecion" and " gambler " a piece with two dices about the random decitions.


    " the duck " are a sigle piece but " VAGO " are areal piece of art of a mexican artist. in spanish thet means lazy and irresponsable.



    Some of this sculptures are so explicit. like " erebus " who is te del toro representation of the death, " calaca " a skull, and " forgot" based on the movie cronos. the other two are less comprensible because i dont make it with an specific purpose.


    " Runes " like an obelisk and " the gate" are the last pieces of this trip arround my museum.

    in halo 4 i will make my best to clean my forging stile an ding to you good maps like a lot of awsome mcreation i have saw in this forum. see you later and gracias.

    #1 SYLUX, Aug 4, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2012
  2. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I appreciate the creativity and effort put into the map, but judging by your detailed description of each piece of art, and lack of description concerning the geometry, I would recommend that this map be moved to the casual section.

    I might be wrong, but I feel like there was little effort put into making the map function well.
    #2 xzamplez, Aug 4, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2012
  3. Naughty Badger

    Naughty Badger Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    As I see no weapons/weapon list, I agree that this should be casual
  4. MacoroniMayorTOFU

    MacoroniMayorTOFU Promethean

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    Some of your ideas are very original and look good, but some can be better. I really like those backrounds that you did on the walls, haven't seen that before. The fish was pretty cool also.


    I really dislike this idea because it could be better. I am talking abou that orange wall.
  5. Yellow Sausage

    Yellow Sausage Promethean

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    I like the thought and effort put into this map. Still though, 4 power weapons? It's a bit much.

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