
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Kon3Z, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. Kon3Z

    Kon3Z Promethean

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    Hey everyone I want to start out by saying thanks for checking out my map! Feedback is always welcome.

    Connection is themed an old UNSC military satellite that before alien life was discovered, searched for other life in the universe. It's recommended for team slayer with at most a 5v5 game (you can try 6v6 but it gets a little hectic), but it supports all gametypes not including Invasion and Race. It also doesn't support Multi- Team, just stick to Red v.s. Blue.
    Here's a basic overview with all the ceilings taken off:
    Here's red team's spawn:
    And blue team's spawn:

    Also, there are only a few power weapons on the map. There's a Shotgun,
    a Sniper,
    and a Grenade Launcher.
    There are also a few DMR's, Needlers, Plasma Repeaters and Plasma Pistols scattered across the map, and the map has close quarters and wide open gameplay, and because of this, I felt the gameplay on this map is very intense and enjoyable. But be sure to give it a try for yourself. Here's a few gameplay pictures.

    I hope you like the map, I spent a while on this map and it went through some drastic changes, but all in all i think it turned out pretty good. If you ever want to play halo, just send me a message!
    #1 Kon3Z, Aug 4, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2012
  2. Yellow Sausage

    Yellow Sausage Promethean

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    Can't really tell much from the pictures. Could you try add an overview?
  3. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Yellow is right, before anyone get a good look you need to post more pic,s or beter,an overview. But some things i CAN see, look solid forged and fun. Still, you really need an overview, so we can get an beter look :)
    #3 SpartanPeter, Aug 5, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2012
  4. Kon3Z

    Kon3Z Promethean

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    Ya I meant to put an overview, but my xbox is at my other house and I forgot to upload the overview onto my fileshare. I'll be sure to do an overview ASAP
  5. MacoroniMayorTOFU

    MacoroniMayorTOFU Promethean

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    Well from these pictures the map looks pretty original. I really like that base in the 6th picture. I don't really like that narrow hallway, but that is just a personal preference. The only thing that cought my eye from these pictures is the pieces overlapping. Overall this map is good just add more pictures or at least an over head view of the map.
  6. Kon3Z

    Kon3Z Promethean

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    There, I added a overview =)
  7. BolshyChill

    BolshyChill Forerunner

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    There are some things I like about this map and some things I don’t like about this map. For starters I can’t quite tell what some of the objects on this map are suppose to represent, besides the most obvious one :p However I do like how you’ve incorporated the natural surrounding environment; for example the tunnel on the edge of the water. I won’t tell you off for using Window Coliseums, although they’re an ugly object to work with! Personally I think you did well with what you gave yourself and it was fun to play, which is the important thing.

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