For the Square!

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Redy, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. Redy

    Redy Hipster
    Senior Member

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    This map was originally created by a Funny Joke at the start of the project, because of its simple layout, by a long time (with some work on it), it was possible to make that joke into something "serious". What helped with my entire development? That was definitely my free time expended on it and the primordial patience for all the work in the gameplay field for this particular map.

    Basically, it all started with a series of Colosseum walls forming 4 blocks which constituted a square area with some Free Edges. The original concept didnt have any cover to protect the players, what was really interesting to see in the beta test. After some polish in the map, with all the base structure finished, the idea for gametypes that would be favorable to play in the square arena'' take to a original 4 Flag map. I concluded that it is not traditional, and I would like to see more people playing in different and unique Gametypes, then this map comes with that title "Yes, that map that you play bizarre things like the Old School Way". This original* gametype idea with 4 Flag is not too new as well, since a I had a talk with Psychoduck in the Lol box a 7 months ago. Thank you, Duck!

    What is 4 Flag CTF?

    The "4 Flag CTF" gametype is a normal TU Multiflag gametype, but with special characteristics to identify gameplay perfectly in playing with anything in the awesomeness "For the Square!" map.

    If you dont get it yet, the map has basically Stands that supports the traditional: Blue, Red, Orange and Green Flags. So, you can play any type of Crazyness in that too, what supports perfectly a 4 SpeedFlag match as said.

    How this all things work with the Overall Map??


    It isn't too complicated, the bases of each team are located at the edges of the map, in other words, it is necessary to pay attention since the threat may come from both sides of the corridors if the case is to defend the flag. But dont worry; the original 4 Flag gametypes are Multiside, you can attack and defend at the same time, creating chaos in the Overall structures. Imagine 4 spartans to each Team, what is extremely where the map has its high point.

    Actually, I dont know why I'm posting it in the Competitive section, but this map was made for both Casual and Hardcore plays as well. It supports all types of secondary Gametypes as HeadHunter, OddBall, Flags, King of the Hill, Juggernaut and Slayers in general.









    -Video Coming Soon-


    4 Flag CTF

    The map looks awesome with some FFA games too, it can adapt to each gametype to provide a better experience during the match. So, check out the specific structures that spawn in KOTH and Headhunter for example:

    -KOTH Hill-


    -Headhunter Score-


    And.... That's it Folks! Hope you all enjoy the map. I want to open a space here to thank everyone who helped tested this for me this week, and all the custom game Dudes who joined randomly in some matches. I'm going to finish it posting some funny Pictures of this people playing during the afternoon:










    #1 Redy, Jul 24, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2012
  2. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    I really love the effort put into this map. I absolutely cannot get enough of maps that play very well with objectives and this one is built for it. Is there any orientation confusion though? It seems like one may get lost upon respawning. Apart from that, I love this.

    EDIT: What did you use for those graphics? I love the designs of them.
    #2 EpicChief117, Jul 24, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2012
  3. Redy

    Redy Hipster
    Senior Member

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    Yeap, Chief! Actually the overall gameplay settings for the spawn in FFA are quite apart with the "Team Only" gametypes. You're right, I'm not sure right now, but it seens that you can disable things like that in the spawning settings for each gametype (Probably Team Oriented). That is for a dynamic gameplay beside of Teams spawning in specific areas of the Square, by the way. If it affects the symmetry of the map itself, probably not. The fact about it is the color focal points in the central edges. Crazy? Yes, the orientation is a significant part of the game on it.

    About the Design, I get a huge stock of Fonts, Textures and Abstract Shapes to work with pretty much of it. You can check this out, for some cool fonts too. But stay alert, most of them require copyright ownership for posting in Public Forums and stuff.
    #3 Redy, Jul 24, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2012
  4. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Damn, you got photoshop skills! And I thought mine were good...I love the theme you have going on here. Reminds me of "Block Fort" from Mario Kart on the N64. With that in mind, have you thought of doing a 4 flag game with mongeese? Perhaps you could set the mongoose as the flag....just a thought. +1DL
  5. Redy

    Redy Hipster
    Senior Member

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    Sure! I got to thinking about something like that during the CTF tests, I still have a version of it without covers. Probably I can try something out with this idea, I'll just change some layout so they can't fall so easily from the edges. Thanks so much, Warholic! ^_^ I'm glad you liked my Designs too. You're right! But the map I had in mind during the process was somewhat similar, I think the Classical SNES battle course 4 probably, I never noticed the Block Fort, amazing reference. <3
    #5 Redy, Jul 25, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2012
  6. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I like it, but the design makes me feel to forced. You basically have only 2 or 3 paths from any location (all long flat halls. This I really don't like), save the center, and once you are on a path you have to either follow it through or double back. Add some side paths linking other areas, more height variation (It's so flat!) and weaponry (from my view I see only the CPU, which is good, but I think power weapons should be elsewhere as well. Perhaps in the aforementioned side paths?)
  7. Redy

    Redy Hipster
    Senior Member

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    Good advise, I'll improve it in my next map. Thanks xAudienceofone.
    #7 Redy, Jul 25, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2012
  8. MacoroniMayorTOFU

    MacoroniMayorTOFU Promethean

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    I really love the small maps with amazing aethetics. Looks like this could be very fun. I will give it a download, good job.
  9. Redy

    Redy Hipster
    Senior Member

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    Thanks! ;)
  10. wade

    wade Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Dude nice, I am a big fan of the 4 team CTF setup. The forge work looks very slick. I did a quick walk-around to check everything out, but If you are playing some time let me know. I usually have trouble getting 8+ cooperative people together for anything other than slayer. Is the ^speed/overshield power-up the main motivation for going through the center of the map? Not sure I would go for that, but who knows.

    It's weird this map almost works like an inverse version / negative image of a map I made a few months ago called 4 SQUARE. I never actually made a 4-team CTF game type for that map. I wonder if I can use the one you made for this. Is there anything else altered aside from the Custom Power-up? It would be cool to get a couple different maps together and have a 4 team CTF tourney or something.
    #10 wade, Jul 26, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2012
  11. Redy

    Redy Hipster
    Senior Member

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    Sure Dude! Do you play Reach really often? I can add you on Live to figure and explain things out. ^_^ Basically the loadouts also change for this especific Gametype.
  12. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    AWESOME MAP BRO! As always, great work on the aesthetics, you really have your own style and I love it. The 4 flag gametype looks hectic and hilarious. Can't wait to give this map a try in our next lobby together! :D
  13. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I enjoyed playing this. Quite a lot. It boils down teamwork and tactics right to the core which is what makes this map work :)
  14. Redy

    Redy Hipster
    Senior Member

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    Wow!! Thanks bro! You know that your opinion is an inspiration to me, since you liked it, I appreciate your praise too much! Again, really thanks bro! The map and the custom gametype are in a excellent harmony as it plays. ;D

    Yeah, definitely, the simplicity of the overall map helped in its creation pretty much.
    Thanks Elliot!
  15. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I knew I did the right thing nominating this map for the next FHF.
    I played this map a few times today, expecting it to be a whole lot of fun, but honestly not very competitive because of the 4 teams, and the simple and small design of the map. Oh boy, was I wrong. This map turned out to be VERY competitive and tactical, and it made the map even better than I figured it would be before I played it. Even though nobody in the whole game (!) used microphones or was in game chat, everyone could still easily use teamwork and cooperate with their teammates to steal and protect flags. I got paired up with zigywig during these games, and for some strange reason we had this awesome, magical, natural band between us, where we would use the following strategy without even using microphones: one of us (mostly zigywig) would go for the flag, the other one would usually back him up while he had it (by bringing on a battle between him and the opponents running after their flag), thus protecting him while he runned it home and if necessary take it over in case he had lost his shields or was dead. We could apply such awesome tactics with just two guys. (And this map supports 4 players per team, I believe.) For some reason, I also managed to get a K/D of +20 in both of the games we played in a row, even though I did run for the flag a lot too. In other words: this map can get you an amazing K/D even if you run flags, when you do it right! Another thing I really liked.

    One thing I did not really like at first was the fact that the spaws are very predictable. The first time I played this map (also today), was with 8 players total, and I decided to make it a 4v4 between Red and Blue team. This turned out to be a failure, because at some point we got the upper hand and could easily spawn kill the opponents. However, when I played it again but then with 4 teams, this issue wasn't really there anymore, because there were so many gun fights and people stealing each others flags. It still happened, but that was necessary in order to save your own flag when it was stolen from you, because that way you could spawn a lot closer and had more chance to return it. For that reason, I fully understand why you had to do it. What's more, it actually turned into another tactic of mine when I started to nade the spawns close to the flag while we were stealing this flag, so they couldn't spawn there and had to spawn elsewhere in their area on the map. Personally I thought this was actually a really cool effect and I really appreciated it, because it did help the attackers to bring the flag home easier.
    All in all, I would advice anyone downloading this map to always use 4 teams, because you'll see it's a lot more fun and works a lot better with the spawning set up, and like I said, there will be more tactics to use, rather than easy beasy spawn killing.

    So, I recommend this map to anyone who's up for an enjoyable, crazy and tactical experience of CTF, even if you can't get a huge amount of people in your lobby. I loved this map, what's more, at the moment it's my favorite competitive map around. Keep up the amazing work Redy! 5/5

    Download this map, it's ****ing awesome. Play it with 4 teams and you'll have a great time.
    #15 REMkings, Aug 3, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2012
  16. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I seemed to have overlooked this. This is an example of a layout so simple, that it difficult to have any serious functional flaws.

    But...This map could benefit from a little bit of complexity.

    1. Spawns are borderline broken. If you were to have a low platform that wraps behind each flag spawn, that would surely help spawns. This way the spawns are just as predictable, but players will spawn in the LoS of others less often.

    2. It would really take away from the simplistic feel of the map, and potentially hurt the functionality of the map, but if done correctly, this map could benefit from some height variation, or even another tier.

    @REMkings: It seems that you have let your performance on the map interfere with your impression of the map. Just because you went +20 and had flag caps does not mean that the map functions well. Maybe you should have played a few more games and experience some losses so the map creator knows that you observed the map from a neutral perspective.
    #16 xzamplez, Aug 4, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2012
  17. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    True, true, although I went +20 in two games in a row. But I'll definitely play this map again sometime with Redy himself in the lobby.

    I would personally advice against adding height variation though. I'm afraid it wouldn't do justice to what this map is supposed to play like. But you can always give it a shot and see how it performs.
  18. Redy

    Redy Hipster
    Senior Member

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    Yeap, as I said in the description, and xAudienceofone talked too, probably it was my fault in posting it in the competitive area, but anyway, the map plays in a overall style that escapes from a competitive formula, turning it to another type of Casual experience, maybe? I really not thought about it while I was creating the spawns functionality, but I know they were evenly distributed. Probably there was a lack of areas in the main corridors to provide assistance in not only on the edges of the square, what turned the 4v4 gameplay poor a little bit. And...yeah, About the "simplistic feel" I would say that the original design would have verticality, well over one floor. But yeah, it is a map that summarizes many different ideas, perhaps to encourage future projects for new Forgers also, remember that it still gets a nice 'Free For All' party too.

    This map ends up "breaking the twig", for huge custom hosts that want to provide Fun in several future Lobbys. :D
    #18 Redy, Aug 4, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2012

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