Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang, this is great. I can never get decent shading when I'm painting, so that definitely impresses me. You did a good job of making the background pretty vibrant without being distracting, though if the lines between each color strip were blurred slightly, I feel like that'd add a bit more depth to the image. I also don't like how you used brown in the background, but you were smart enough to not have brown shades behind the face, so that's good. I love the idea more than anything though. Absolute anguish and chaotic distortion, very well executed. I hope to see more stuff from you, to say the least.
Very interesting panting, the shading is done great and i like.. the whole thing its just so damn cool to look at haha, good job man! What made you think of something like this?
honestly, i couldn't come up with an idea so i started sketching and the more i sketched the more i came up with the idea. Originally it was just a drawing of a pissed of fat dude but i started to mess with it and bend his nose and drop his jaw i thought it'd look cool, thanks for the support you guys, ill defintily post more