Hello, a couple of weeks ago I wanted to start picture editing. For my first time I do think I am doing a very good job. I really want your feedback on the pictures. I will put them in order from oldest to newest. Please take note that these are not all sigs. Please don't hate on this one, there is nothing wrong about loving your contry. If you want to see the original pictures(before they were edited) here they are. Spoiler http://i1151.photobucket.com/albums/o638/MacoroniMayor/imagesCA20MJO0-1.jpg Spoiler http://i1151.photobucket.com/albums/o638/MacoroniMayor/bgcfg.png Spoiler http://i1151.photobucket.com/albums/o638/MacoroniMayor/imagesCACGMGDK.jpg Spoiler http://i1151.photobucket.com/albums/o638/MacoroniMayor/imagesCATMMG5Y.jpg
Most of those images appear to already be edited which combined with your edits which in themselves are a bit too much make the images look way over edited.
The first one and the second are the ones you are talking about. The last ones are both real life pictures.
1: The focal is too blurry, probably because you scaled up. Also, the text is too apparant, it's a bit large and the colors don't match the rest of the signature. May want to blend it some as well. 2: I dislike the text and the empty space on the left, not a fan of the saturated colors either. You may want to dim the lighting some and sharpen the focal. Once again, I think you upscaled some. In my opinion, they look great otherwise man.
I found that the third picture looks best with that text because it looks like old writing and I don't know if you know this, but Oh Canada is the name of the national athem. I agree with you on the text being to big in for my sig. Anyway, thanks for your feedback and I am glad you like it.
Oh man compared to my first try a picture editing these are gorgeous, pretty awesome for just starting, but anyways on to the critique, Personally ive had an easier experience with more rectangular work, just adding that in there. But for the first one, the c4d or vector or brush is kind of overlaying chief , even though its opacity is lowered, you should just make some small adjustments to erase the parts on chief, also, you should try to find a more high quality stock (or render) when you do this so you can sharpen it, because cheif looks very blurry in that one. And ive had this problem with some of my work but, i feel like the colors go from light to dark so quickly that sig could look much cleaner with a gradual color change, just my thoughts. the second one looks like the yellow light is kind of off of the focal, and looks kind of weird, also the right side of the odst's head looks like it has to much contrast or to sharpened. The black on the edge of the opposite side of the picture kind of ruins it for me because it disrupts any flow the picture had or could have. The third is simple, and i like simple haha, but you should adjust the lighting and c4d, just to give the picture an all around lighter feel. But still, i like simple haha ive never been to canada, how is it? The forth is really bright, so much so that it looks over-edited and you cant really focus on a focal Also, i dont like the edges, but thats just a personal thing. Overal for just starting these arent to bad at all, you just need to work on your focal, next time sharpen your focal (what you want people to look at) and blur the parts you dont want people looking at, also get a c4d (those crazy looking pictures of computer generated madness, i really dont know how to describe them if you dont know what they are) and try to make everything in the picture flow in a certain direction, creating flow lmao. Im not good with text, so i dont want to be a hypocrite, but you should also stay away from the big blocky text, it just disrupts the focal. Damn those are 10x better than when i started lmao, this is my first sig lmfao so good job man keep going im glad to see new people in the gna section
I feel like a complete asshole when I look at these threads and can't think of how I can word a post in which I can help you out. I feel like a complete asshole when I look at those and can't tell you why they are not appealing to the eye. Sorry that I can't be more helpful, but they really don't look good. Neither yours or DC's that he has in here too. I just feel at a loss for words.
As a rule of thumb: never, ever, ever upscale. Makes the image pixelated and blurry. The big ol' stripe going through his head is distracting, should erase it. Colors are good, lighting could use work. The main thing is: clarity and detail, both of which you don't really have on the focal, the spartan. The text should be blended in better with the image... the font fits decently, but you should downsize it a little and blend it (don't erase it) with the background. Right now it's more of a double focal than anything, which is not approved of in graphics.. Blurry. You upscaled/widened = big nono. Too oversaturated, the effects are very distracting and don't compliment the focal much :/ The font could be alright if you moved it closer to the focal (same with the first one above) so that it doesn't draw one's eye away from the focal (spartan's head). Lighting is good... but again, the big, ominous cloud with the strong black/white contrast is pretty distracting... The text could be blended in better so that it's not "stapled" on top of the image. The dimensions are odd but it's at least clear. The yellow/red/slight teal? color scheme isn't the best but still doable. The font is good, but you could stand to move the text so it's not in the corner like the rest of the sigs. Not really sure what the focal is supposed to be.. his hand or the helmet. It's an interesting/decently done effect.. probably your best here. It's a bit overexposed but idk if you were going for that effect on purpose.. The black effect around him is a bit unnecessary imo but that's personal preference and just being nitpicky. Notice how this one's relatively sharp and clear as opposed to the rest. Overall: Could work on: -less upscaling! -blending the text in -focal/composition -text placement -image dimensions (less vertical, more horizontal) Anyways, these are very well done for your first try ... But don't let it get to you though, you definitely need to practice.
Thanks dude, for my first try they are pretty good and I am glad you can see that. I will take note of everything you said. Your word is really important to me when it comes to picture editing. You will see more picture editing in the near future by me.