Hello all, I have been pretty bored in the last two days so I decided to give a preview of a map I forged after my long, unfulfilled hiatus. Antagonist is one of the maps I submitted for the Smackdown contest. There is no doubt that it was inspired by Quake, considering the massive verticality and the abundance of 2-way teleporters. I have thought hard about the teleporters and I'm assuming these still aren't final. I implemented them in a way that they aid movment while not dumbing down the flow of the map. Anyways, here goes: overview. The top Floor is 6 forge units above the ground floor, in case you are afraid of heights. Mid atrium section. Well protected from the top level, which the teleporter takes you to there. CPU/Health pack room I had a couple more screenshots (showing 2 different rooms), but they aren't showing up on waypoint, so whatever. Download here *1v1/2v2/Small FFA on MLG Settings (allows for some jumps) Let me know what you think, whether you've looked at the map or played it.
I've always loved maps that were based more on 90 degree layouts rather than all that curvy non-sense. This looks really solid, though. I'm glad you're still making maps. Your work is always interesting.
Looks sweet, from what I can see. I'm downloading. Let me know if you're interested in having me over to play a match or two [br][/br]Edited by merge: Whoops. That was entirely unintentional. But seriously, this looks good. The map has good aesthetic appeal. And there is a suspicious lack of shield doors near the teleporters
Now I would delete that phrase if you want no one else to see it lol. And yeah, I am now considering on Shield-door tele's. They should be able to work here. @Xzample/Eightball: Thanks for the comments. Forging with 90 degrees is quite tradeoff, giving up slightly faster flow for better scaling and forging (Not to mention people can cut corners by jumping anyways).
Is there a practical reason to use include shield doors for teleporters? Or is it purely aesthetic? I know it makes a nice little static sound when you are near it, but even then the teleporter makes that little 'whoosh' noise, although an enemy player can't hear it. I did check this out in forge, and I haven't gotten the chance to play on this, yet. I think it could support 4 players comfortably.
It is mainly aesthetic. The big, flashy teleporters give it more of a quake feel. Well on this map, there isn't a great spot for health packs attaching to the wall. And I typicallly don't like health packs all the way on the wall when it comes to room-based maps. It makes a slightly faster pace in the game, and med packs on the floor are oldschool.
Love the different levels you used here. I also prefer the H pack on the floor. I would recommend having M0Ar pictures though. I can't get any idea of the layout.
As for that phrase, too late. Just had a little lol there. Does anyone know of another way to make obvious teleporters without shield doors or the teleporter pieces themselves? I'm curious because I just downloaded and played a map which I thought played really badly because I thought the teleporters were just aesthetic pieces.....
update I still haven't tested the map yet, so I went off with major aesthetic changes (changed textures for at least half the map) since I've had some time on halo. This is one design I like, so I'm trying to set the aesthetics in proportion. The thin streets are similar, but each floor on the map has its own texture, with red being the ugliest. I still have some aesthetic mishaps to address but I haven't figured out a good way yet, so maybe when the map is released I will have taken care of them. Download here Edit: Oops. there's a random hole on the map, but I don't feel like re-uploading the map
@tyrant Do you mean port-a-potty? If not... I don't know what you're saying. @Isao's DL link Cool. Downloading. EDIT: Just wondering, why do you always add a dash in front of your map names?
No, I don't always. Though I sometimes do for two reasons: 1) I want them to appear on the top so I can find my WIP's quicker. 2) I usually save multiple copies when reaching big milestones, and just add a dash to give it a "new name," because I get paranoid about it being overwritten. And yes, pool-a-porters are fantastic, whether you need a unique movment option or you're just completely fat.