It's preety clear that calling yourself an expert / awesome / stellar forger here won't win you any prizes, so I'll be honest! I'm new to the forum and to the 360, I bought one 12 months ago having always been a playstation fan. Until I got hold of a friends 360 and a copy of Halo: Reach. The 'forge' concept was easily the greatest thing I'd seen in gaming since I beat my dads high score on Centipede on the Atari 2600. I've build around 20 maps that are good enough to share and would appreciate some friend requests to have a look at them. I've put 4 on the fileshare and think that even though they're certainly not up to the standards of some of the maps I've seen, I think they're well built, with some good ideas and play pretty well. I've put a Endor inspired hunt, a 'Bird of Prey' style slayer map, a sniper map called Rock and a Hadley's Hope style outpost complete with booby-traps. I've also got a Millenium Falcon map, a 3D chess inspired map along with a Gallion that I'm adapting for a larger number of people to play on. I'm going to look around the forum for a few people who want people to try their maps so if you get a random request don't panic too much.
Why hello! It is great to see some new faces! If feedback is what you want submit your map to the testers guild. Link provided below. testers guild testers guild guidelines They may test your maps and they always give really good feedback.
Hey nice to have you. Post some of your maps to the Reach forge discussion thread HERE I'd like to check out some of them, and I'm sure others would too. BTW I remember you sending me a friend request, sorry you might want to clarify who you are. Just thought you were a random.
Hello and welcome to forge hub great sir. I remeber getting a friend request from you not long ago. Glad to hear that you forge, cant wait to see some of your maps on forgehub.
Everyone else is crazy and lying to you... welcome forgehub. The place where sometimes maps get featured but then everyone becomes jealous and starts saying your map is broken/not fit for a feature/too abstract/waheteverthe****. True story, enjoy your stay.
Thanks for all the replies, I'm going to submit some of my maps to the Testers Guild, but in the meantime if anyone wants to have a look, just search gingergeegee on the custom search. I sent out a few friend requests so if they've bounced I'll send them again now you all know who I am! I've been offline for a few days as we've been decorating but I'll be back tonight and I'll send through the requests and might upload some more maps.