Why halo thar (did you see what i did there) My hands are a bit shakey at the moment (this being my first map post on the forum) so i am slightly nervous but here goes nothing Canals (giggity?) Fun weapons --1x Sniper --1x Sword --1x Shottie Less fun weapons --Assorted DMRs, NRs, ARs, Magnums, Plasma Repeaters, and maybe a Plasma Riffle or two? Moar Fun stuffs --1x Camo --frag gernades (atleast 4) --plasma nades (atleast 2) and i might have forgotten to save it but there was a health pack or two in there Pictures anyone? red spawn with the sniper in the top left Blue spawn The sniper (its on top of red) With view of orange spawn in the background. Green spawn with shottie on left Teh Sword (top left from blue) The active camo (bottom middle under the water) (yes the water is safe to go in) Over view of Canals When i first built this i had a deep intention of making a map that took after the city venice (sp?) with aquatic combat that would actually hide some players when crouching (it does a fair job of that). Canals v1 was born and about a day later i scraped that idea and came up with this magnificent structure. I put down minimum players 2 because me in a friend tested it, and the combat was slow but it worked. 10 i put as the max because that is what i guessed (you all can stress test it for me ) NOTE: there is an Armor Lock behind red base, and Drop Sheild behind blue because a friend wanted armor abilities implimented into it. ALSO: i will probably add more cover in the top walkways. Enjoy it and love it and roll in its beauty. DL link is at the top
I had a feeling that you were going to post a map because of your sudden burst of activity. Please don't be one of those douchebags who come to this site solely for personal gain. Try to stay active and contribute as a new member whenever you can, make friends with other forgers, and keep forging. As for the map: I'm not to fond of open maps like this (personal preference), so I have a hard time giving feedback for them. And it's even harder leaving solid criticism, because this is your first map post, and I can tell it would be hard to take harsh feedback when you want to hear how much people enjoy it. So I will simply say that the map lacks structure. It is an open field of catwalks and buildings.
Your first mistake. Never, ever put the sniper at the spot where it's ideal to use. Classic mistake though, so I'll forgive you. But I'd keep that in mind for your upcoming maps. Overall, like xzample said, I'm not the biggest fan of this kind of competitive maps either, but for your first post on the forum, you did a pretty decent job. I'm wondering what more you got to offer to the community.
To the both of you. I want to thank you alot. This actually is my first map after i got xbox live. And this was really made with out feedback or anything (my freinds are all casual gamers so no matter what i tried before i finished a scentance they said it sucked ). So besides the obvious noobish mistakes and stuff, lay it all on me pretty plox, i am in the middle of making a new symetrycal one, so i dont want to screw up again like i did this one. As for being on this site for my own personal gain... HELL NAH... i would love to be a bigger part of the community and i hope that in the future i will have some more pleasing maps. (ps. BE SCARED i have a 1v1 i made that is coming soon )
Good to hear that you are already making other maps. It's a pretty well known fact that everybody's first few maps are merely learning experiences (depending on how quick of a learner the creator is). I would say to go online and look at other maps (not exclusively Halo), and study what makes them successful. -As far as the structure goes, it is a good idea to make the players feel like they are fighting in or around a building if there is any degree of separation. -There seems to be a lack of dance floor (bridges as a main piece for connection). -Lack of separation resulting in unbalanced gameplay. Due to no LoS management, the highest position will always be the most dominant.
In or around buildings you say? kk then. floor needs more sustenance... or something along those lines. THE FLOOR NEEDS MORE FLOOR! So i need less separation as well to provide a more balanced gameplay. Surprisingly enough from the sounds of it my 1v1 has hit most of those guidelines and i didnt even plan it like that!... So if you will excuse me I have to go on vacation tomorrow so i will probably upload the 1v1 tomorrow at grandpa's house, and another casual one i made for my friends that got a bunch of likes when i forgot to take it out of my file share PS. REMkings i think i know what you mean by dont put it in its intended spot... played some Sword Base Slayer and the snipers just sitting on the floor.
No no, if you were to make another map that had a completely asymmetrical layout, you need more separation. This is one of the most important aspects of designing a successful asymmetrical map: LoS management. The way you chose to separate the map will determine the balance and natural flow of the map. But if you look at less separated maps, you will notice that they all have less risky geometry (midship, warlock, sanctuary). Notice that they are all also symmetrical. It is very difficult to make an open asymmetrical map play balanced. I hope you understand. The Pit would be a good example of a successful symmetrical map with separation. Without the central wall, the Sniper Tower would be overly dominant. TLR: It is very hard to design a balanced asymmetrical map with little separation.
do not worry me boi... the 1v1 and the one i have this glorious plan for are symetrical. And now that you say this (and after some swat headed for the weekly chalange) there are almost zero asymetrycal maps in the playlists. Even dlc (use anchor 9 as an example). one of the only non symetrical maps would be highlands (makes up for it with teleporters) and uh... cage which has a lot of flooring and stuff so there is many ways to get around (insert other non symetrycal map here). The Pit i can also see refering back to your previous msg about me making it seem like you are in or around a building it is enclosed and the hallways deffinatly cap on that. unfortunatly this map is beond saving now and it will most likely not be for the over competitive gamer. It has been a nice testing map i guess, an intro to this community and i hope to please you all in the future. (sorry if I have anoyed you but after only ever making maps by myself it will be rough moving to a competitive platform)
By the way, if I have confused you in my barrage of narratives; separation simply refers to dividing the map to cut off line of sight. On The Pit, the main separation being the central wall. I always say: If you learned something during the creation of the map, it was not a waste of time. And if you enjoy playing the map, then by all means enjoy playing it! You haven't annoyed me. You have the perfect attitude for somebody who want to improve in the field of level design, and I respect that.