Hello -Hubers, this is a more recent map I've been working on, and since I havent done an MLG style map in a while, and being a fan of competitive gaming, Ive decided to make one. This is Imperial.. A REDvBLUE 1-way symmetrical map with plenty of height variation and depth throughout the map. Each area(s) the map has to offer has a unique feel and perspective on gameplay. So far I've only set up CTF and standard team slayer/slayer FFA, but thanks to some help from my friends X2SORA and Frenchys, Ive come this far with it, and they've shown some creative ideas to benefit gameplay. EDIT: jetpack not recommended. Kill boundries (other than the one in the death pit) are not placed. DOWNLOAD Here are the pics: ______________________________________
Robo , this map have a great layout , simple with some high variation , A great weapon selction, and of course , very fun to play . Kepp on forging budy !
Even though I'm not the biggest fan of Objective games, I had a lot of fun on this map. After I got used to the layout I found there were a lot of interesting ways to get to the opposing team's flag. The only real problem I had was that I thought it was just a little too easy getting the flag back to your base. But again I don't play many objective games so I may not know exactly what I'm talking about haha. That and there was one time where I spawned right in front of you. But overall it was really fun man. Maybe next time I can get some TS games on it.