Hey, I just need a reiteration on how to create a paintball gametype - I learned before, but have forgotten it since. I know the gametype should be set at King of the Hill, but if anyone were to know the specifics, that would be great! P.S. I can figure out the general information regarding player health, lives, weapons, etc. I just need to know how to make a compatible gametype. Thanks
What is the advantage for setting paintball as king of the hill? If you are going for something similar to speedball (symmetrical/arena-styled), you should make it CTF. When I watched pro speedball on TV a while ago, that was a secondary objective. That would be how you score the point for the round, whether you eliminate their whole team or not. As for compatibility for halo, just build two spectator boxes across from each other at the middle (using a "cover, glass" piece as the windows). Then set respawn traits so players can't deal damage and make it last the entire round if possible. If you are going for conventional paintball, then who knows what. Honestly i completely forgot about paintball. It almost makes me want to play it.
There've been numerous people using the KotH gametype by now. Just like Remember Isao said, I'd use a more original, different gamemode.
The advantage of KoTH is that the last team standing wins, although unoriginal, it works. I do really want to see different game-types though like CTF and stuff like that. I've played a 1-flag like game-type once at a local paintball joint and it was really fun.
Can't you turn the negative suicide points off, give people two lives, and kill everyone at the start of the round so it ends when everyone on one team is dead? I remember somewhere if you give everyone one life the game doesn't end when all the people on one team are dead. With CTF you can make normal lives with spectator boxes (or one life) and the last team standing pulls the flag if the haven't already.
Yes, with CTF, it allows the team still standing to capture the flag to score for the round, but also allows the opportunity to capture the flag when the last player on one team is acting like a putz and trying to hide. With whatever gametype, spector boxes are just cool for an overhead view. As for 1-flag, it sounds cool, but not so much with an "elimination" gametype.
I am making marginal tweaks to the map - and would have the budget for a spectator's box...however, I placed the map in the Coliseum and would only have room for an overhead view. The overhead view I originally built merged poorly with the Coliseum - and having one life proved easier. One of my concerns with having an overhead was - as I mentioned before - there is no room for one besides from an Ariel view which is a visual disappointing, and may cause screen lag with so many players in one general area shooting the crap out of their weapons until it runs out of ammo. If I have problems, I may just turn to a KotH gametype.
One life is also better so the last two players don't kill each other and end up with no one to cap the flag. One flag would probably be badbecause defenders would just camp with no incentive to move