
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by PA1NTS, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    By: PAINTS 420

    My latest project Indigo, is a room based asymmetrical map made for 5v5 Team Slayer. It also currently supports Crazy King, Juggernaut, Infection and FFA. The reason I'm releasing a preview is because I want to run tests on this map, and also because I'm submitting it to the Tester's Guild so I can't post it in the database. So basically if you like the look of the map, hit me up and we'll arrange a test.

    Now let's talk about the map. The layout is pretty simple, and gives each team equal acces to the power weapons from their initial spawn. After the initial spawn, players will spawn all over the map, not only on their side of the map. This is also because the whole map is one color and not team colored. The map delivers slight variations in height, while having large rooms as playspaces, you'll also find numerous long slim lines of sight throughout. Power weapons are Plasma Launcher, Sniper, Grenade Launcher and Camo.

    That about covers it for the preview. There's not really much more I have to say right now. But I will say the map is subject to change before actually releasing it. So since I'm gunna make structural and aesthetic changes, you guys might has well tell me what you want changed. Also, I gotta give thanks to a few people so far for some early fixes during forging, and also for testing and in depth feedback.

    -Rorak Kuroda

    Now, onto the pictures.

  2. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hmm, I dislike the position above camo spawn. Height over every viable path leading to it, no structural counters, and good LoS on GL spawn. I can foresee a team holding that position quite easily. Of course, I can't be sure until it's been tested, so invite me sometime man! Aside from that, it looks great from what I can tell.

    EDIT: Looking again, Sniper is a good counter on that position, but the problem still stands nonetheless.
    #2 Auburn, Jul 31, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2012
  3. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This map played very well. No spawning problems, good weapon layout. I had a lot of fun. the only criticism I could give is that grenades were insanely powerful because of the tight doorways. I'm not sure on how you would want to fix it but a few people had the frag grenade as their tool of destruction :p
  4. SIERRA420

    SIERRA420 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This looks pretty fackin deeeeeeecent, have you made any changes since we worked on it at my house? If grenades are a problem, playing TU Slayer instead of Vanilla could slightly improve the victims' chance of avoiding a nade. When I've played a game of this I can give you better feedback about lines of sight and positioning.
  5. 00DirtyMick00

    00DirtyMick00 Promethean

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    holy hell this looks sick to play on, im really impressed, the aesthetics look really solid for a 5v5 map, i totally thought would've blown your budget making a larger 5v5 map, especially since it looks like not alot of the natural terrian is used from forgeworld, its all forge pieces, and it looks sick, bro this looks awesome can't wait to download it and play it.
  6. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    You must be in the wrong thread, because Indigo has one of the worst spawn systems on any map I've ever played on and a weapon layout so bad that even someone who has played the map many times may have a hard time finding the power weapons. These two problems are so prominent on the map that it's nearly impossible for me to point out any minor issues or positives on the map. I can only assume that you've never actually played this map before, or you are completely oblivious to some of the more noticeable problems on the map.
  7. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Is there any way I can fix the spawn system? What was so bad about it. We might have just played with lots of people. It's a small map. But what do you suggest? Or could you show me where these bad spawns are?
  8. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I remember this one! Totally forgot about it. Thanks for the name drop. ;)
    Guess we'll have to get a game on it sometime... Just flying around it in forge with ya isn't good enough.

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