i don't know if anyone here gets Game Informer but I do and in the latest episode, they featured Guitar Hero 4 as thier cover story, it looked AMAZING, they plan on putting in sort of a create-a-hero, where you can do everything that you could do in the tony hawk franchise's create-a-skater. also they are adding drums and vocals, like in rock band, but more awsoem, they have like symbols instead of just pads, stating that it is a lot more durable than the rock band one, and also wireless. well I know what I'll be spentding up to five-hundred dollars on!
The Guitar Hero franchise missed the boat with this one, Adding Drums and Vocals after Rock Band had already become a success game is a bad move. Why would someone who already owns Rock Band want to buy GH4 now? They can just wait and eventually the same songs will be released for Rock Band.. Or Rock Band 2 if they decide to come out with that in the future, and wireless drums and guitar... Already been done with RB.. Again missing the boat, Sorry but I think the GH franchise died once RB was released..
Guitar Hero always looked good to me, I so want to play the Halo Theme song on a Psuedo-Air Guitar xD Though seeing how GH4 will be coming out I think I might just wait for that one instead of buying 3, or should I just get 3... Hmmm I like the idea of making my own character, but I thought they had that it GH3... Am I wrong? I haven't really looked much into it =\
the only thing the gh series had to differentiate it from rock band was it's single player gameplay. rock band was more of get your friends together type of game while gh was a game that you tried to improve on your song score by yourself. now it's going to be the same thing . if people see rockband 2 and gh4 in the same shelf then i have a feeling that they're going to buy rb2 because they both would be exactly the same and harmonix has had more experience with the other instruments therefore making them more reliable than activision who has had no experience with the other instruments. that is my only my opinion though
They did miss the boat but that doesn't mean that it won't still be a hit. I'm an avid GH fan and prefer it over Rock Band. So far the only reason I'd want to get Rock Band is for the songs not on GH and the drums. Now I'm gonna wait for GH4 b/c I like the way the drums look better (ie. the symbols). Also, some songs in GH won't necessarily be put into Rock Band.
I love guiter hero, and wouldn't trade it for rock band ever, I personally think that ROCK BAND missed the boat when they tried to change the format of the gameplay, those notes pissed me off. as for the vocals, I think they fail in both games, I can't sing and don't really want to.. so really, I think that because I enjoy GH over RB I will buy this, escpecially since I didn't buy rock band. IMO Guitar hero was the first and guitar hero is the best
I own both GH3 and RB, They play the same with only small differences. The single player (solo) in GH3 obviously uses the guitar, But the single player in RB you can use either the guitar, bass, or drums. The multiplayer in GH3 you get to choose between bass & guitar. The multiplayer in RB each player gets an instrument, drums, bass, guitar, and vocals. Both games are essentially the same concept. You didn't buy RB for one reason or another, and will wait for GH4 which is basically going to become RB now right? Since they're adding drums. Oh, You do know that Harmonix put out GH, GH2, GH:Encore, and RB right?
yea I know about harmonix, and thats exactly why I'm definitly buying, I should have bought RB, and I didn't because I was pigheaded about the activision Harmonix split, they r make me angrd ><
GH should stick with just the guitar... its guitar hero, not bands hero like wtf rock band has already got that.. and rock band is **** LOL
rock band will still be win because of the weekly DLC releases. GH has always sucked and been slacking on frequent DLC.
what would you think if gh4 introduced weekly dlc similar to rb? It would make sense considering the fact that they are also adopting the drums/vocals, other than that you haven't said any reasons why gh < rb? I personally think that the note format is better.
I played Rock Band for the first time today, as its just been released in the UK. Quite frankly its the biggest rip-off in gaming history. Why the **** would anyone fork out nearly £200 for some shitty plastic drums, a mic and a completely shite guitar controller. The GH Guitar controller > Rock Band guitar. Yes its a nice concept and all, but its just a huge money-grabbing spin. Anyone who wants to have every song you can get is gonna be paying a heap of money and its just not worth it. To top it all, the game felt totally stale, even with the whole 'band' feel. As i was playing, even the drums, i just felt like i'd 'done it all before'. Thats my 2 cents.
I agree completely, GH pwns RB HxC, I was really dissapointed with the RB guitar, when they first released screens of it, they where far away and made the guitar, quite honestly, look better than it really was, one of thier captions read "it may even be mistaken for a real guiitar at a distance" "it" referring of course to the cheaply made plastic guitar controller wich even at one-hundred yards couldn't be mistaken for anything other than a brittle piece of plastic
500 bucks for what? Certainly not for RB, I only know that because I have bought it and know it wasn't 500 bucks, Unless that is what they are selling it for in the UK.
if you read the thread i said that Rock Band was £200 (actually its about £175/£180) ... ... that equates to like ... $360 or some **** ... epic fail.