
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by xDTx Kaos, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello there Forgehub, oddly this is only my second independent map post here.
    After much designing and criticism, I believe this is one of my best combinations of gameplay and aesthetics.

    I don’t plan to waste too much time with information, so here are the basics.
    Rebirth is a rebuild of a room-based asymmetric I built a while ago.
    It has a fair amount of paths to traverse while also offering a decent amount of floor-space for battle.
    It also has a great deal of height variation.

    Rebirth was rebuilt specifically for the 1v1 Smackdown Contest.
    During testing it has had solid and fair gameplay, that allows the most disadvantaged of players a chance to get a piece of the action.


    Type / Spawn Time / Clip

    Grenade Launcher / 150 sec / 2 Spare Clips

    Spiker / 120 sec / 0 Spare Clips

    Plasma Repeater / 60 sec

    Plasma Grenades x2 / 60 sec

    Frag Grenades x2 / 60 sec

    Healthpack x1 / 15 sec

    Custom Powerup / 150 sec *Does not spawn at start*

    Map Pics

    Main Atrium


    Main Atrium View 2


    Custom Powerup


    Rock Area


    Spiker Spawn and Teleporter Reciever


    Frag Room


    Action Shots




    Special Thanks to




    Rorak Kuroda



    And to anyone else who may have played it or given feedback.

    -xDTx Kaos-​
    #1 xDTx Kaos, Jul 29, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2012
  2. R0UG3

    R0UG3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Really glad you took the time to rebuild this map. It is definitely amongst my favourite one v one maps I've played, good clean aesthetics, great use of verticality and controlled combat encounters and overall great to play on. My only critic would be in regards to the powerup. Good call on switching OS for CP, OS was ridonkulous, but from the games I have played CP is still pretty prolific. May be add some sort of risk/ reward/ counter to CP camping.
    #2 R0UG3, Jul 31, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2012
  3. PhantomStrike

    PhantomStrike Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Good job, I can't seem to find anything that may need editing from the pictures, but, like Rouge said, the CP made need to be moved or to add an extra pathway to get rid of camping in the general area. The teleporter/sniper nest upside-down object could become a potential camping position on the map, so you may want to add a lift or a Hang 'em High type of overpass to reach it.
  4. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Every person has made some point about the tele platform. I took camping into consideration when building it. It has a nook in the back of it that will catch grenades lowering it's campability greatly. Also with the way that the reporters are set, fewer people go through that one than in the previous set up.

    And thanks for that compliments.
  5. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Whomping you on this last night was fun. :p
    I thoroughly enjoyed the map. Didn't find any issue with the teleporter, and I like how easy it is to cut some one off when they try to get away by running through one... Really great how that panned out. We did have a few slow moments over on the OS side and the top doorway area where the it was really easy to avoid you due to the map's segmentation in conjunction with the radar, but it certainly wasn't anything game breaking IMO.
    Over all it was a pretty enjoyable map to play. Nice work.

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