Oh really? I honestly thought it was still going on. Maybe my time perception is off, but it didn't seem like that long ago ya'll had started it. Well done :] Anyway, the main ones I had in mind was the last Wall Coliseum Contest, which to my knowledge was simply pawned off on someone else to carry it on when it really wasn't his responsibility and the $5000 Contest which seemed to fade into the mist when Frozenlynx was uberbanned.
Hey FM, could you make a list for what counts as the "25 objects". Like do rocks count or do teleporters count? Thanks!
I would assume 25 extra structure pieces and that we can use whatever for scenery, gadgets, etc That's just me though.
Okay I posted the objects that don't count. Here they are just for you! not including scenery, weapons, health packs or power ups. Also not Wall Colosseums. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Actually If you can pull of a good 8v8 it's good enough to be in it. Watch out everybody were adding an 8v8 to the party!
Okay, so the 25 item limit is on the Structure and Gadgets categories, barring the coli walls, and the other categories (Weapons, Human/Weapons, Covey/AAs/Vehicles/Spawning/Objectives) are unrestricted. That sound right?
I'll probably try it... but I'll fail. Ive never made a real map in forge. But the MSP sounds like a good prize.
Lol I assume so. I don't think FMBB has posted in like 3 weeks. This one barely got off the ground though.
Sorry for not being on FH, I have been busy with school. I have looked over the maps and a whopping four have been submitted. I am sorry to announce that I am discontinuing the contest due to lack of entries. I am also sorry for all those who posted, created, and were chosen voters. No prizes will be handed out. Thanks for at least giving it a try guys. :/
At the risk of sounding like an ass (again) here, I really gotta tell ya that you shouldn't have announced and hosted the contest unless you knew beyond a reasonable doubt that you could commit to it and see it through regardless of the consequences. You should have acknowledged the risk of a meager showing from the start and been willing to stand by that and still award the winners. For future reference, don't start something unless you plan to see it through.
@Schnitzel What's he supposed to do with four... It's not even a contest anymore. Just give everyone some microsoft points and piss off one guy?
The whole community contest thing is starting to become a joke at this point. I don't know of anyone who seriously expected a guy who came in here and started spamming the forums to follow through with a contest.