Shared from my brother.. pretty thoughtful advert: Channel 4 Paralympic Games - Meet The Superhuman on Vimeo
that was very inspiring, actually, I am thinking of going into the field of biomechanics, so I can make biological prosthetics.
That's pretty awesome, jacket, glad it's of interest. You don't really get to hear about the Paralympic games or the engineering behind prosthetics, unfortunately, but going into that field would probably prove very useful to victims of war/automobile accidents/etc
problem is you, as an inventor, don't make very much money off of your inventions :/ but still, I think that if a source of income was not an issue, that would probably be my dream job. I always felt sorry for paralysis victims, fully aware that their life is just wasting away, not being able to move a muscle, just an observer, fully aware of another world, yet constrained to where ever they happened to be facing, (if they leave their room at all). In less extreme cases, helping people regain feeling in an arm or leg that was once gone, or letting the blind see, that would make me happy, but I am sure that the people in the video are doing quite well! /heartfelt story
The Paralympics is awesome. The people who participate are truly inspirational and prove that having a disability isn't a constraint on ability with the right attitude and perseverance.
That was a nice ad. It's really amazing to see how some of the survivors of terrible accidents bounce back like this.
Those people could probably kick my ass in sports. Its a nice thing they do that sort of stuff for handicaps