Inspired by The Origins Infection campaign! AnTi Shmoopster and GeTin TriPPn presents.... Revelations! Revelations lot: End Of Days takes place in our time, A global pandemic has sweeped across the world killing billions....and bringing them back. All governments have fallen, all that is left is the combined will of a group of survivors to live and breath....And take back what was once ours. Gameplay You will spawn in a small section of an underground highway, the entrance behind you is destroyed. The zombies will spawn across from you with their entrance destroyed. In the middle there is a hole as if a piece of the highway was removed. After killing the first zombies there are a few key spots they will be coming from but humans must make there way down a destroyed maintenance platform and the debris from past battles down to a mid sized tunnel that was once a military checkpoint with adequate protection from warthogs and mongooses to Sandbags and Barriers, the humans will make there way with zombies coming from all sides until they reach a downed vehicle barrier to a set of doors you have to crouch to go through. They then move onto a small room that is a little destroyed but move on to a military checkpoint that protects the final doors to get out. (Not functional doors) How Many Episodes? We have planned for around 4-5 depending on the feedback we get and if our maps are liked. Why Did You Make It? We saw The Origins and loved the maps, they inspired us to make what they made but in our own way, but we did not try to copy Oakley HiDef or TomLids or anyone associated with those maps, The Highway part is coincidence. Why Play? Well.... Its infection...why not? So there you have it! Revelations... So close to you... But hope we aren't right.... or your in for a suprise... For a look at some gameplay check it out:
I would like to see some pictures of your map, and the "End Of Days", that name already exists and it is very famous,
This isn't enough to promote your map, I see two pictures, both of which don't really tell me anything. Of your actually trying to get downloads, no offense but make a better thread.
Hello, sorry about this, still a work in progress.... We are trying our best to get gameplays out. But to answer the question, yes its a small Linear map designed in a destroyed underground highway. and we tried to make as much detail as possible with the credits we had but we ran out leaving us with not as much as we'd like in the final holdout area. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Updated*
this map has potential, and i like the srory and background info on it but it needs more pictures. i cant really tell what im looking at or possibly downloading.. this map could actually turn out to be lots of fun wich is good if your new to the hub.
Sounds like a neato series, but you guys should've considered posting a map preview instead to build up more hype. And I'm not really getting the big picture of the map from the two screenshots you posted tbh, but I'm going to guess it looks and plays like The Origins.
Thanks for the feedback, we will begin collecting gameplay videos today and more screenshots are on the way.
i like the idea of this campaign, looking to forge a campaign of my own only thing is looking at the pictures it looks like some of the debris is too eratic and dosent look natural
Download to the gameplay in my post, sorry about having to watch it on your xbox but I don't have a capture card.
Thanks for looking at this but we are going back to the drawing board with this you can still download the map but what friends and forum members have told us we are going to try again, you'll see us back around again sometime soon