Feral is my second entry to the Smackdowny contest. Of course some of you may remember my failed entry Sapphire. After, basketskate helped me ALOT. Instead of helping me build a new map,he gave me a project of his, Feral. I was delighted. So after bout' 3 weeks it is finished. I hope it turns out well. Of course any feedback will be taken in and I'll be grateful for any. Here is a weapon list: Spoiler -DMR 2x -Assault R 2x -Needler 1x -Grenade L 1x -Plasma G 1x -Frag G 2x Here are the pics Spoiler Thanks to everyone who has helped me along the way. These people include: Basketskate3 (So so obivous) ZombieVillan neverendinghalo Shik That looks like nothing but alot was done by basketskate. He is a genius. He even helped with the pictures! As I said feedback is more than welcome. So feel free to do so! Thanks! C'mon guys, tell me what you think! Don't just sit there...
I really like how you implamented the water and the rocks. Can you walk in the water or does it just kill ya?
Whoa man, this looks sick. That room with the dishs,I've never seen that combination before,brilliant.
One problem I might be able to see is camping in the second to last picture. I feel with just a teleporter to get there that it would be easy for a player to stay. Not to mention they have more DMR ammo and a health pack right there.
I agree, that dish room is a solid design and works great with the map. Sick! And keeping the CPU hard to get is smart and I can see some interesting gameplay happening around the water. I agree with Badger about the teleporter, maybe you could put one or two fusion coils up there to scare campers from hiding out. Very clean forging here, excellent job Sausage, gonna be a close contest guys!! Good luck!!!
Thanks guys. Zombievillian did point this out but with two teleporters I think it is fixed. Also you don't have the best LoS up there.
Played a game on this yesterday: 9.5/10 Guys, this map is absolutely stunning. When I played I had barely any gameplay problems. Along with the aesthetics this is one of the best maps I've seen ever. Only problem was that the health packs could of been placed in better positions. Other than that this is a great map. Well done Sausage!
Thanks for the feedback jack. Dunno what else to say really. Didn't think Feral was that good. Anyway from now on noone is to call me "Sausage". Please,you are calling me a ****...
dude, keep forging like this and very soon you will be a known forger. i felt the central atrium had quite a quake-esque feel, with lots of height variation around the map. i saw the 2nd to last pic and thought: CAMPERS. as you've mentioned, the spot does have pretty poor LoS. maybe change to a two way to minimise the likelihood of this? overall very solid forging. good luck to you. NOTE: GL? could be used with the EMP function for camping. provided it is correctly timed, a grenade on EMP may come to rest on the tele receiver = camp. how much ammo does it have on spawn?
Only had a short 1v1 on this map, but unfortunately, that will be all I'll ever have at the moment. While playing against Noooooch, neither of us could seem to get past the many negatives of the map. I really wanted to like this map, but the negatives far outweighed the positives for me here. First off, the map is way too open. At just about any area in the map, you can see almost any other area of the map. This makes for boring, generic gameplay and constant fights across the map. Second, there are almost no escape routes on the map. Most of the time, you will suffer a guaranteed death, even if you're particularly good at staying alive. The fact that the map is so open only magnifies this issue. Third, and this can in many cases be a positive, but in your case it's a negative, there are no real power positions on the map. This forces constant movement. Only one problem...there is nowhere to move. Add a few extra routes on the map, if you would. My final issue is that water covers way too much of the map. The map will likely end up killing you more than the player. The only positive I experienced on the map was that it looked pretty, but when your map is barely playable, this hardly makes up for the negatives. Fortunately, I do see a lot of potential in the map, and I could see it playing fairly well once these problems are dealt with appropriately. Good luck with that.
I was going to wait until I got into forge/ played a game on this to state some of the points 4shot has made, but this proves my theory. More structure, less water, and more escape routes. On the other hand, I do agree that the map looks very appealing. Don't get discouraged by anything 4shot has said, though, even though he's doing a good job at helping you. Learning from mistakes is what forge is all about. Good luck with future projects. I'm sure you'll address the issues on this map and it will play beautifully.
The initial idea behind the map was create a large, open, single atrium map that lacked a designated power position as that's what I thought would work best for the Smackdown gametype. I wanted to promote movement around the outskirts of the atrium with an emphasis on weapon and map control, but still have movement through the center with quick routes leading from location to location. Unfortunatly, I don't think Sausage Yellow knew what I was going for. Even so, I think he did an excellent job with the map. There has been a good mix of close and long range encounters, although more of the latter. I still dislike the teleporter and lift systems however. Too easy to camp, turns the counter position into a power position. Anyway, great map man.
Wow! Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'll see if I can fix some thing. I already have some ideas. Oh Auburn I didn't know bout' the "large, open, single atrium" map until the preview. So I would of kept that in mind when forging Feral and it would probably be different today if I had known.
Wait... When did this happen? Is there another Noooooch running around xbl? You have confused with someone else, or I have you confused with someone else. I haven't played this map either way... Checked this out in forge recently. Do you have any frame rate issues in game? I had some drops in forge. If anything, next time try to forge in an area where the water isn't so turbulent, it'll lessen your chances for poor frame rate I thought this map relied too heavily on man cannons and teleporters to move around the map. There are two power positions that are only accesible by a man cannon and/or teleporter. I also didn't like the receiver node that had it's back to a man cannon... That's a pretty awkward scenario. In my opinion, you should nerf the weapons. In 1v1 and 2v2 gametypes (even in MM), weapons have almost no clips, but quick respawn timers. I think it would benefit your map, since it is intended for a small player count. By the way, it is cool to see a needler, but I would nerf it along with the GL. 4Shot made some good points about the water and the map's connections, so I won't go into that.