My second map release on Forge Hub, please provide feedback. Description Sestic is my other map for the Smackdown contest. It is symmetrical and also supports 2v2 Team Slayer. The map is a basic two level map with 4 power weapons, all placed as a counter to another. Weapons •1x Overshield- 180 sec •1x Grenade Launcher- 120 sec, 1 Spare Clip •1x Shotgun- 150 sec, 0 Spare Clips, Place At Start False •1x Sniper- 150 sec, 0 Spare Clips, Place At Start False •2x Needle Rifle- 60 sec, 1 Spare Clip •2x DMR- 60 sec, 1 Spare Clip •2x Magnum- 45 sec, 2 Spare Clip •2x Plasma Pistol- 45 sec •2x Plasma Grenade- 30 sec •2x Frag Grenade- 30 sec Pictures Red Base Blue Base Bottom Red To Top Red Bottom Blue To Top Blue Red Spawn To Middle Blue Spawn To Middle Path To Top Of Bases Lift To Top Middle Bottom Middle Top Middle Thanks and feedback is appreciated!
In my opinion this is you best map you posted on forge hub. I really like the variety of the cover and the pieces that you useed. It doesn't look to gray, very colorful. I really like the use of the "Window Colosseum". It really adds a different texture to the map. I noticed that you had a health pack on the floor of your map, you should put it up against a wall to make it more noticeable. My main problem with the map are the rocks, they look a little sloopy around the window colosseums. Overall I like the map, I will give it a download.
Some pieces look a little bit our of place,other than that it looks solid and the layout looks easy to learn. Oh why does the red base have blue lights? Is the map meant to be all blue or what?
This map looks pretty decent, I love the way it looks and the simplicity. However, I dislike the fact that each spawn has its own power weapon. Not only that but they are complete opposites of each other (Sniper vs. Shotgun). I see that this map is fairly open, which means that red team will have an immediate advantage over blue team. Also, if someone got to the grenade launcher without seeing their opponent, they could easily grab it and then drop down for the overshield. In general, there are too many poorly placed power weapons on this map. But other than that, this looks like a solid map.
@Yellow Sausage- I was going for a bluish theme with the map. I only put the one red piece to help tell the difference between bases. @NONE YA BIZNUS- The Sniper and Shotgun don't spawn until 2:30 into the game, making it balanced at start. And from the games I've gotten, the Grenade Launcher and Overshield haven't caused any problems, but I will look into it and see what I can do
So far I removed the rocks by the lifts and instead put struts. I also raised the health packs I will update the link when I can get on
Looks good, and just from the pictures I can tell it will be fun to play Lets see, the bridge, the one with the health pack under it. Yeah, those bridges look like the support holding it up is extremely smaller than the bridge itself. My advise is that you make it like, I don't know, three? Instead of one. That way it also provides cover for the smart person going to get a health pack.
Updated version of the map is now in my file share,nif you downloaded the old one please download the updated one. Thanks to all your tips on aesthetics and map improvements. Especially the lastest one by Grunthunter. The health pack look has changed significantly. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Anyone get a game on here? I would like to know how the gameplay is. Thanks
This is a great looking map Badger. Nice job on the improvements, making the map even better than it was. I'd be down to play a test game with you if you want, I can jump on tonight, just message me on live, ill be online, my GT is SaVaGe ExtenZe
Sorry Savage, I will be gone today and won't be able to get on xbox. [br][/br]Edited by merge: EDIT: Anyone willing to test with me, I will be on from 11pmET-12amET If you would like to help me test all I ask is: •Send me this message on xbox: "fh invite" •My mic broke, so I ask that your feedback from the game be put in this thread so I can read when fixing my map tomorrow •And if you help test I ask that you please provide some sort of feedback and don't give me nothing •All I will do is play one game with you and invite the next person so don't be offended if I kick you Thanks and I appreciate it!
I thnk I could get a start on this site by helping test a map, so ill join ya tonite and give feedback tomorrow.
I am starting in about 5 minutes. Starting with you Golden. I will be on for an hour should anyone else want to join. Also, I will test one of your Smackdown maps as well, and put my feedback in your map's thread. But just 1 map, as I want to get as many tests as possible