I agree completetly. I miss finding skulls and doing campaign stuff to unlock it. It just brings out the fun of halo, not stress and constant multiplayer.
i liked unlocking through credits, but i hated leveling through credits. it was just too easy to unlock the armor through achievements.
I want the Halo 4 Xbox so bad, I'll ask my parents for it for it, if not I'm definatly getting the UNSC controller.
Since this is an Armor discussion I need to state this. I can't stand the new helmet they've been displaying. Hazop I think? Whatever the default is in all the vids. It's ridiculous, there would be absolutely no peripheral vision, you could only look forward. That helmet just doesn't look like "Halo" to me. But that is one of the very few complaints, most everything else looks great.
They're making sprint a default armor ability, which means I'll have to think before every round starts instead of just picking sprint and taking off. Seems like it'll definitely make some new tactics emerge. Very excited about this.
I am pre ordering from Amazon.com for the sole reason I won't have to worry about whether I get before all the extremists get it the hour it comes out and they have to restock the shelves a week later, and it's shipped to my house!