This is not funny. You're not team AVO or whoever the **** does all that griefing. Thats not even funny.
oh wow, this has to be the funniest thing I have ever seen in my entire life! You like, burned blocks, and then, then you placed dirt at random locations when you were trying to build a floor. No wait, you did that before you placed stuff. And you took his bucket, and you never gave it back. That's like that one pictre, with a whalrus .. is it spelled walrus? It's walrus in german. You know that one? It's a picutre of a walrus and his bucket, and then, there is this picutre of the walrus without his bucket, and it's all like "who took my bucket" but they spelled it all wrong. Like the cat pictures that got so popular, do you know them? They are kind of a new trend in the internet. Anyways, the video really reminded me of said walrus and bucket. Look it up if you don't know it, it's fun stuff. Oh, good times. I like his reaction when he comes back, after I watched you do nothing, placing dirt at questionable locations and burning stuff down for almost 10 minutes. He came back and said "oh snap! What happend to my village" or something like that. And your guy friend said "there was a lightning" or something like that .. you should know it, you were there. The funny thing is, there wasn't a thunderstorm and you burned down the whole village, but he doesn't know that. What's even funnier is that you used his own bucket, but he doesn't know that too. Are you not afraid that he could see the video and see that you burned it all down? With his bucket? I would be afraid. He could come to your neighborhood and burn your stuff down aswell. You should be careful. Oh wait, he can't, you got his bucket and he couldn't find lava. I like how you guys explained the never-dig-streight-down thing. That's pretty dangerous. I once wanted to show someone what happens when you do that and started a new world and dug streight down. I found 4 blocks of diamond within 5 minutes of the game. Good times. Anyways, I'm going to search for the walrus picture, you know, the one with the bucket I told you about earlier. I'll edit my post in case I find it. Keep it up! tl;dr: Stop that, not funny or entertaining at all
I don't get it. I was given a infraction because of a spam post, but how the hell isn't this a spam post.
The walrus is the best part about this thread. Trolling videos are not funny, and this isnt even trolling. This is setting stuff that doesnt exist on fire. This is worse.
Ya, I know this first one of course wasn't my best and it was my first. I do hope you like the next one I got.