Yea, I am a pretty funny guy... I want whatever you're on At least someone finally pulled out the old "take it like a man" comment. I'm out of gas on this one, you guys win. Still pictures are the TRUTH, actual experience is for idiots. I'm going to go look at some still pictures of my girlfriend, instead of having sex with her, and then tell her how bad she was in the morning...
To be fair, going on the reactions you've given to people posting here, I'm not sure you'd accept gameplay feedback. I'm sure you'd come up with some long-winded explanation as to why we played the map wrongly and we were biased. I did consider giving you some feedback based on pictures when you first posted this map, because sometimes it's easy to spot problems in a map from pictures alone. It doesn't take multiple games to know that vehicle garages are a bad idea, or that many competitive-minded players will abuse the long sight lines by going up to the banshee pillars and overlooking the entire map. Then I saw your replies. Granted Forgehub members can be a little blunt, myself included, but they also raise concerns that can be seen from pictures alone. It's perfectly reasonable to ask people to try out the map and see if they are right. Telling people they have no say in the matter until they play your map isn't. So yeah, actual experience is for idiots.
The map simply does not work as it is at the moment, theres no theme to it either, the bases are a variation of the Ice fields bases it would seem however. Theres no real design to the bases at the moment they just have no real structure or different ways up or down for more interesting gameplay, and this is a problem. You also didnt take the cover glasses off the roof and add something better, and not potentially problematic, add something else to give it a much better look and function. Honestly if someones going to design a map that spans the gap between the two mountains then they should work on designing two large 2 tiered bridges on either side of the gap that are large enough on the top tier for vehicles to cross the bridge with some effort, this would make the map less predictable and campable. The rock bridge you have just simply looks pretty horrible honestly, its just a few rocks thrown down with no real design to it, in other words it doesnt appear natural and is a death trap. The other bridges arent much better, there very simple with no structure to them.. which seems to be a recurring theme throughout the map. And I hope im hallucinating, I see 6 banshees on the map, 4 on one side of it.. this is just pretty mental the banshees would just own the map and I'd be afraid to even dare leave my base. However, on a positive note the map could possibly have potential, but you need to take a look and some btb map designs and rebuild your map with feedback from this topic in mind. Right now its just simply not a map I would enjoy playing, and not something the competitive BTB community is going to accept. This is not a rude post or bash, it is a attempt to help a forger understand that to make Montana and Alaska work truly, your going to need as a forger to work on designing the map and bridges/ways between with more structure and function. Your also going to need to give the bases the same treatment, as well as the vehicles included for each team, the map doesnt need to be symmetrically designed. It has no reason to be honestly so go out of your comfort zone and look up some nice aesthetics and base designs and take some inspiration from them. I prefer taking my inspiration from Forerunner concepts, and designs, perhaps you should do the same if your trying to go for a Halo CE Icefields play style and look? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Just for the record, I plan to attempt a Montana-Alaska map myself in time, probably after my two current projects are completely done and I do feel that you have the patience, and intelligence about sightlines and map design to do something great. But dont take the feedback giving as harsh statements. Most members who have posted here are quite respected and pros when it comes to BTB design especially, so listen to them and know they mean no harm to you, they will honestly sit through forge sessions with you just to help you out if your considerate of their opinions, and are asked nicely. You just have to understand we have seen maps designed like this since the dawn of time it feels like, and I honestly would love to see you succeed with some reworking of the map. In general, the main focus just has to be the Gap, and making interesting ways to manuever between both sides. Yes it has to be bridge if you want a truely competitive design, but you determine what kind of bridge, I honestly like multi tiered bridges and feel theyd work for what your going for.
Ok that last comment was tactful, and clearly had some thought put into it, so thank you Silent. I will certainly take some of your suggestions into consideration. However, it also illustrates just how difficult it is to make an accurate comprehensive analysis from pictures. And why when other people make damning, definitive criticisms from them, it isn't "harsh" or "blunt" as they like to say, but instead just woefully unfounded. From original post: From 3rd critic response: Like I said before I do appreciate this comment a lot because as you will notice he said, "I hope I'm hallucinating, but I see 6 Banshees... this is just pretty mental" Instead of saying something like "Having 6 banshees on the map IS terrible, and it WILL destroy the gameplay." Does anyone else see the difference there?? ... Please? .. Katanga? Thats all I am asking for! Anyways, You all have my full permission to go out and play the map, hate it until your hearts content, and then let me know just how terrible of a time you had in full detail. -OR Constructively help me out by letting me know any problems that you think might/could arise from looking at the pictures. I will appreciate, and respect every word of either. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I started writing that before I saw your added part of the statement, and again thank you. I appreciate it a lot. I am glad to hear you might try out the map. I also forgot to mention before that I have actually made a couple non-symetrical BTB maps in the past, but people seem to reject those for that reason... This is just in response to a lot of the comments in general. Remember there is also this: Civil War: Crossing The Ravine - YouTube on crossing over the ravine that might clear up some of the issues.
I've seen the map in forge, so I didnt assume anything by the pictures since I like to take peeks at maps before adding suggestions on how to fix them. Its mostly the roof and outside of the bases im concerned about, just feel its best to try to add a little more structure to the bases and change the cover glasses to another piece more suitable and better looking. Concering montana and alaska, when building a map that spans both your best option truly is to add as much structure as you can, to the main bases and bridges at least. Im not sure why some people have rejected your asymmetrical projects, it is however hard to balance them or please some people. Just work on adding a little structure to this maps update, and try to make a nice bridge that allows better choices and strategy, I feel if you do that then the map will play much better. It will also help people realize your serious about really doing something with the gap, and the design in general. There is no reason to think I bashed your map, I'm quite a supportive person and have seen some pretty awful designs turn into something I could really enjoy, and no this hasnt even touched a percent of what I think awful is .
Yea I know what you're saying. I was really resisting the one substantial bridge idea because I felt like it defeated the purpose, and I really enjoy using the WarthogLauncher, but I think I am going to start working on an alternate version that has a more conventional bridge setup. Even though people can make it across the gap the way it is now, things get pretty disjointed and confusing around there. It ends up being pretty random. And I may also cut a few things to get some money to add on to the bases. Who knows, I enjoy this version a lot, but I have been known to occasionally have bad taste. thanks.