I use Photoshop CS3 Steaktrocity Difficulty 10/10 Description: Win with +30 points more then the oposing team
I prefer using Illustrator over Photoshop for making medals. I'm trying to make all of the current medals and them make new ones, such as in this thread. I'll post a few later since right now I need to go to class.
Umm why are you trying to make all the medals, you can find all of them on the net. And most of them right here http://www.highresolutionhalo.hollywoodnhouse.com/ Massacrerist Difficulty 10/10 Description: Succesfully kill the oposing team twice recieving two extermination medals to get the Massacrerist medal
I am aware. I'm making them so they are vector so i can resize them for various projects and not have them distorted.
Medal ideas Beat Down Spree- 5 beat downs without dying Mortal Combat- 10 beat downs without dying Air Raid- 5 kills with banshee/hornet without dying