I have one question. Who's Excited? Planetside 2 is a new MMOFPS that comes out soon. It has three factions, The Terran Republic, the militaristic faction, the New Conglomerate, the freedom fighters, and the Vanu Sovereignty, the techno worshipers. Planetside 2 E3 Stream - Day 1 - Part 1 (feat. Totalbiscuit and Margaret Krohn) - YouTube A livestream from E3 PlanetSide 2: Gameplay Trailer - YouTube A trailer Personally, I'm for the NC. Which side will you choose?
I've had my eye on this game for a while. It seems pretty interesting and I may end up picking it up.
It's free! i'm so incredibly hyped for the open beta. i'm leaning towards NC despite their ridiculous name. I've always been more partial to the revolutionaries faction.
What kind of rig are you running/planning to run for Planetside 2? They haven't released system requirements yet to the best of my knowledge but I'm fairly certain I'll be able to run this.
I'm pretty sure you would need a computer around BF3 system requirements to run PS2. I'm gonna build a mid-range or a budget so I can take on PS2 on medium settings, at least. Prolly gonna cost me around 500-900 bucks. http://www.build-gaming-computers.com/