Thread Title: TORCH Map Name: Narrows Canvas Map: Forge World Creator Name(s): SpeedBird21 Last Updated: 7/24/2012 Player Count: 2-4 Recommended Gametypes: MLG, Slayer, 1v1 Supported Gametypes: Slayer TORCH is a map specificily designed for 1v1 FHSmackdown. It can be retrofitted to support up to 6 players (Recommended no more than 4) with addition respawn points, and different timers on power weapons. Top Center of the map features a Sniper and on the lower level is a Custom Powerup. The design of the map is a THREE level design with the lower level having a commitment decision. If you go for the shotgun and powerup you have no cover! SHOTGUN WAS REMOVED!! Spawn Times: Sniper: 120 x 0 spare Powerup: 120 Seconds Download: [URL="]TORCH[/URL]
I strongly suggest you rename your map. (If that was on purpose, shame on you!) the forging is ok, but I think this map still needs to be cleaned up also, with the FH powerup specs, allowing immediate access to the shotgun is not advisable, honestly, you could view the powerup as a weapon in itself.
What if you made it so they were the same time but shotgun didnt spawn at beginning? Don't know where else to spawn it on the map. Maybe on the third level. You know as soon as I made it I forgot about Halo 3 Narrows. Yeah Ill rename
On a map this open I wouldn't pick up a shotgun. The LoS look very long and open, and seems to offer only long range combat, with little to no close or medium range combat.
On top of everything thats been said, the ramps in the corners (under the circle ramps) are extremely awkward.
That's kind of why I put it down there. You're completely exposed so just getting a Power Up wouldn't be enough to draw you down there. Where getting a shotgun as well might. In addition, the STRUT formation provides a lot of CQC, but not enough to alter game play. Hence why I put power up and shotgun together. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Agreed!! Don't have a fix really. Are you talking about the lifts? Or just the transition from Top to bottom? And new map name is TORCH. Really screwed the pooch forgetting hAlo 3 NARROWS. Sorry Changed Shotgun to NOT spawn at beginning, raised level 3 for higher position.
It seems to large and open, I wouldnt care to be out anywhere near the middle of it, theres nothing to peek your interest there and no reason to really venture to the bottom either. You need to scale it down some, keep the same overall design if you like but reduce some of the width of the map, and instead use the extra pieces to add more to the theme you want the map to have. Its currently just to open and the bottom really has no design to it, its just sloped ramps, I think if you add a little more design and connectivity to the bottom itd be a huge improvement.
If you downloaded it and played it you'd realize it's way smaller then you think. The width takes no joke 3 seconds to get from one side to the other. Length is 8 seconds. Just camera angle shots makes it look longer. It's designed for 1v1. We tried 2v2 and it's almost too big for that. Download it, you'll see
I don't get it. The title is narrows. The map name is narrows. But then you start going on abput torch. Which one is it?
Why is the map name Narrows, but in the thread it says "Torch". Which one is it and why is there two names?
Read the comments before you post dude. Anyways, you'll be getting some feedback on this fairly soon. Unfortunately I see numerous problems already.
It looks much better naow, I'm glad you took the feedback and did positive things with it most people just dismiss it all together so great job on using it and improving everything. I really like that you added more theme and life to the life. And it was mostly the long sightlines down the middle that I was concerned about, they tend to be quite dangerous in a 1 vs 1. I was concerned that without the cover(that you have added and im proud of you for doing so) that it would just a spawn camping nightmare if someone perched up somewhere or worse a forced DMR confrontation for the entire match instead of using the weapon variety. You have worked on this and it will do alot for the maps gameplay, before I simply avoided the middle altogether as the sniper wasnt a weapon id take such a big risk for when I can just focus on headshots with the DMR from higher ground which rapes with zero bloom. Im still not sure on the name though the maps named torched yet its sitting in a part of the ocean, I figured you would of moved it completely in time to somewhere with grass or rocks .
thanks for the feedback! I named it torch due to the two Struts with gravity lifts out of the top (Looks like a torch), and to move it alllllll to land is a better idea but with the basement having the waterway I couldn't. The shutes that take you from the top to the bottom (center of the map I removed based on others feedback that itd be too easy to snag Snipe and then drop down for the custom power up. Ill be out of town til submission dates so if theres any chances feel free to edit and take credit, just want a fun map for the 1v1.