MineCraft Mini-Game: Castle Crashers

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jay Rockn Weezy, Oct 20, 2010.

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  1. Jay Rockn Weezy

    Jay Rockn Weezy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    JayRocknWeezy Here To Release My Sorta Modded GameMode For Smp

    Download: CastleCrashers Server And Mod.rar

    What Is It?
    It is a Modded Server Where You And Your Team Verse Another Enemy Team To See Who Has A Better Castle/Fort/Base.

    What Do You Do?
    You And Your Team Must Gather Resources And Build Together A Castle/Fort/Base.
    While Doing That You Also Have To Gather Certain Resources And Destroy The Enemies Banner/Flag.

    How To Start?
    You Choose The Two "Team Captains"
    One For Blue Team
    One For Red Team.
    The Team Captains Must Choose The Players On There Team, You Must Take Turns Choosing One Player At A Time.
    When The Player Is Picked Type /joinclass (Red or Blue(Case Sensitive))
    That Puts You Into Red Or Blue Team.
    When All Players Have Been Chosen Then Make Your TeamPlayers Change Chat Channels By Typing /ch (Red or Blue(Case Sensitive))
    After The Team Has Changed To There Channel
    (Note Team Captain Is Still In Regular Chat)
    The Team Captains Start The Timer Of (One Hour Or Modifiable Time)
    Once The Leaders are Aware Then They Switch To There Channels And Play On.
    Go Find Land And Build.
    (Note You Can't Go Far As I Added A Boundary Of 100 Blocks)

    Building Requirements
    Your Building Must Be At least 10x10x10
    (It Can Be As Large As You Want, But Not Smaller)
    On The Top Of Your Building You Must Have Three Blocks Of Double Step, Iron Un-Smelted Block, Gold Un-Smelted Block. This Acts As The Banner/Flag.
    Everything Else Is Up To You.

    When Time Ends
    Once Time Ends That Means It's Battle Time!
    As You Can Still Continue To Build, You Must Have The Resources Needed To Win.
    You Have 3 Diamonds, 6 Gold, and 9 Iron.
    You Must Also Invade Enemy Base And Remove The Banner/Flag.
    First Team To Remove Enemy Banner/Flag, Gather The Resources And Have A Base Built Wins!

    1. Read The Above And Understand It
    2. Listen To Your Team Captain And Stick With Your Team
    3. No Stalkers/Spies Allowed
    4. NO GRIEFING During Build Time
    5. You Can Grief During Battle Phase
    6. No Stealing From Player Chest
    7. Player Limit Is 10
    8. Have Fun!

    Extract The .Rar
    Open The Folder And Open "bin"
    Open Server.Properties
    Edit Ip and Port If You Want
    Run "server_mod"
    Send Your Ip to You Friends and Enjoy

    Made By JayRocknWeezy
    Idea By ccromium From GodCraft

    Always Give Full Credit To Me And ccromium, Don't Steal!
    If You Guys Have Any Suggestions Please Reply Back.
    Any Rules Needed To Be Here Then Reply Back

    Have Fun!

    Blue Castle Crasher Skin

    Red Castle Crasher Skin
  2. Stoj

    Stoj Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this seems alright but the fact that every word is capitalized really threw me off. Fix it.

    and did you make those skins, just curious.
  3. Vince Noir

    Vince Noir Forerunner

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    Is there TNT in this for you to grief the whole server?
  4. Jay Rockn Weezy

    Jay Rockn Weezy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes you are allowed to Make Tnt, U can make everything actually. The reason for this was so you can easily destroy the other castle. It's highly unlikely though as you must find like a Creeper spawner, which I don't think there is. Yah, you pretty much host the server for 2 hours. Just like a game where you and your friends play.
  5. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ****ing LOL!

    This might be fun, if I can ever get into a working SMP server.
  6. smithminer45

    smithminer45 Promethean

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    new link?

    I cant download the mo:mad:d it says there are no more files of it will there be a new link?
  7. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Maybe because this thread is two years old.

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