Exia Ex-c-uh A Asymetrical 1v1 map that has been through alot of changes, is now done and has been a complete pain in my ass to forge at times, a good dog at others. Plays kinda like Narrows, you have one big central path to go through with left and right paths too. Picture tiem!
I would like to play a game with you on this some time, to see what happened since I last saw. Mostly I am interested to see how that powerful high area I didnt like turned out. In fact I don't think I ever played on here outside forge with you. Let's fix that some time. The map looks pretty and entertaining, but I don't see a good layout from the images here (not criticizing the map, its just tough to see how it all fits on the forum page here) and a weapons list would be nice to see as well.
Hopefully you will be able to play it sometime along with some others... that higher powered area your talking about has like 4 diffferent ways to get up there, 1 the shield door jump, 2 the evade off bridge jump, 3 the tac jump up to it and 4 a teleporter, so many jumps. i'll see if I can get some more pictures up by the end of the day, mabye an overview.
Uhhhh........ Territories? Anyway, I like the aesthetics of the map, especially the are with the grass n rocks, but the only thing that bothers me the most is the height variation , it seems that about 70 percent of the time, the guy at the higher position wins.
/watchyoutalkinboutwillis??? When I last playtested this, I made it so that there is absolutley no power weapons up on the top floors, the highest power weapon you can get on the floor is the Pistol, so you have a risk vs reward situation, go grab Grenade Launcher and a couple of nades on the bottom floor or stay on top and not get as many kills? The Sniper also Spawns 30 seconds into the game and the CPU spawns one minute in because right away with the smackdown gametype someone would go grab it and the other person would get raped.