I was very curious to see how a certain design by Nexn played, but the version by Leviii was never released. After some begging requesting, he let me take over the project. Original Design Spoiler Overview Spoiler What your seeing is an old playable version from way back when for testing. Unfortunatly, I had forgotten about the map until recently, so I plan on touching it up with some interesting aesethtics and making the necessary changes.
I've yet to figure out why every one has such a hard on for Nexn designs. This one I've always enjoyed though. Or, at least I think it was this one..
Glad someone finally decided to make this. I thought about asking once, but I never got around to it. Could we get some comparison shots to see how accurate it is to the original? Basically an overview.
Yep, it's in the OP now. As far as changes go, all that's been done so far is I replaced the jump pad with a silent lift, I did some work with the CR jumps, and removed/redid some of the ledges that weren't being used. Oh, and I had some problems transfering it into forge so areas look.. unproportionate
Because each one is vastly different. Nexn chose not to forge Arca because he said it was similar to Sequence, and I believe he chose not to forge this because of the similarities to Luca. Regardless, this design is solid (based purely off pics).
Color scheme/item choice remind me of Jia. I love Nexn's work so it's cool to see something like this pop up. I only ever saw Leviii's version when it was early in it's building, but this looks much better, if only from the pictures. Keep us posted and what not.
Not liking the braces as flooring, and the division between banks, brace, and 2x4s seem inconsistent. Other than this I cannot say much, the map is shaping up to look quite nicely. Or so it seems.
Wow. This looks sexy Auburn. I was actually just wondering what happened to some of Nexn's old designs that never made their way over to FH. I want to check this out, send me an invite next time you're on.
You know Rho made Jia, right? This looks very nice. I definitely do see how this design is similar to Luca.
Rho is I. I built Jia, but Levii designed it, and was probably inspired by Nexn's stuff. I only took a few liberties when I made it. However, I just meant the item choice and lighting, etc. I'm not sure I see a whole lot of similarities in design theory between the two.
Thanks for the comments guys. Good point, I don't like them either. However, I running low on any other suitable object for flooring, thank you man. I'll invite both of ya sooon, I wanted to get your opinion on some things anyway Nexn. Rho, I do see the similarities, but rest assured, I didn't get the ideas from Jia. The newer rendition is a competely different color anyway.