HI ALL!!!! okay ive been hard at work with this map pack, and i have decided to scrap one of the maps which was in my last post 'A-Ridged' and made a completely differant map called 'Dock-Line'# im in the final stages of all the maps which is the Beta stage# so without further adue, here they are: Dock-Line Array-Station Over-Growth okay so thats it at the moment, there all nearly finished and ready to go, as this is my last map pack for Reach, one thing i would like to know is, what one do you like the look of the most??
awsome, thanks and Dock-Line and Array-Station is but Over-Growth is for max id say 10 people at a push
okay awsome, if you guys think the other 2 are too open they arent realy, dw if taken it into acount and when there tested things could change
What do you mean by familiar, this has been posted on another site and I took inspiration from another map posted the other day which is a dock style but his was smaller and for 4 players
Yeah , Iwas looking to the map pictures and than I saw your Dock map you forge a bit ago, I think he get inspired a bit to much from your map Also the Map build with only natural item seems interesting, I will try to get a game on it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: If its 4 player , Explain me how The F**k there is a Warthog ? New Concept ?
No no no haha the one I that I took inspiration from was for 4 players, this map that I made is for 8-16 but still yet to test them all
okay, fair enough, but please dont jude them finaly until youve played em is all i ask haha but fair enough i personaly like Array-Station. looks like it was a good idea to scrap the other map and put in Dock-Line it very nearly didnt get in to this map pack