Fort Bravo

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by aNtiKkZz, Jul 16, 2012.

  1. aNtiKkZz

    aNtiKkZz Forerunner

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    Simple fun infection map map made on Bordwalk just to spice things up a little. This map is best played with alot of people and can be really fun. The map is based on the fort brovo base were the survivors have to hold out and survive until the round ends and evac arrives. All weapons hav no spare clips so conserve amo and work as a team to survive. Thanks for downloadind and if you like it recomend it to friends and give it a thumbs up!!! :)












    #1 aNtiKkZz, Jul 16, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2012
  2. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    you may want to revisit your weapon placement, it looks like the gun fairy vomited.

    Apart from that I like the design, and I applaud you for making a map on boardwalk.
  3. aNtiKkZz

    aNtiKkZz Forerunner

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    thanks for the feedback man i appretiate it and yea i can understand the gun fairy thing u said lol thats why this map needs alot of people so one persone dosent hog all the guns where as with alot of people, people all get their share. thanks again man :)
  4. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I have to agree with the weapon placement, take a bit of the weapons away. I really like the Bravo sign on the building but why are the sandbags floating? Other than that I really like it when people use maps other than forgeworld.
  5. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks like something out of the walking dead. Looks pretty fun, actually. DLing.
  6. aNtiKkZz

    aNtiKkZz Forerunner

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    thanks for the feed back guys ill fix the weopons and reupload to file share when i can..
  7. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Played this multiple times, its garbage, I'm just ****in with you. It's a pretty cool map, from using such simple items like crates on a premade map. I like how fast the zombies move, maybe you can add more spawning areas for the zombies, I remember getting the same spawn a lot of times.
  8. aNtiKkZz

    aNtiKkZz Forerunner

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    yea thats true i did put alot of deiiferent spawn areas but fpr se reason they wont spawn in the places i put them. lol maybe its cuz i put a respawn area weak around the areas i put the new spawns in.. and i put a more common respawn area or whatever you call it around the area i orgiginal put the spawn.. idk if that would make a differance but i was going fpr the aspect were they dont repawn there often but they do every now and then, lol idk if that makes any sense :p but thats the best way i could explain it.. im gona make some more changes to the map eventually and ill reupload it..
  9. Renders

    Renders Promethean

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    Looks pretty good. Just fix up the weapon placement and your all good my brother. :D

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