
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by pyro, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    [justify]Comic Sans is serious.

    For anyone who has played Kiparis, the resemblance should be obvious. Minaris is in fact a significantly scaled down version that functions well for smaller parties. Despite the similar structures Minaris promotes an entirely different style of gameplay with central paths open to infantry now that the dominating warthogs are gone. Never fear though, the flags still blow in the breeze atop the gazebos.
    [title=respawn time: 30 | spare clips: 2 | Around the outer rim of the map]8 DMRs[/title]
    [title=respawn time: 30 | spare clips: 2 | On the ramps jumping up to the man cannon platforms]4 Needle Rifles[/title]
    [title=respawn time: 30 | spare clips: 2 | In front of the mancannons]4 Needlers[/title]
    [title=respawn time: 60 | spare clips: 0 | In the each gazebo]2 Sniper Rifles[/title]
    [title=respawn time: 60 | spare clips: 1 | In the middle side tunnels]2 Concussion Rifles[/title]
    [title=respawn time: 120 | spare clips: 1 | In the central bunker]1 Rocket Launcher[/title]
    [title=respawn time: 30 | On mancannon platforms]8 Frag Grenades[/title]
    [title=respawn time: 30 | Along the middle side walls across from the tunnels]4 Plasma Grenades[/title]
    [title=respawn time: 30 | In the gazebos]4 Health Packs[/title]
    [title=respawn time: 60 | One in the left tower of each base]2 Mongooses[/title]
    [title=respawn time: 60 | One in the right tower of each base]2 Ghosts[/title]
    Minaris is designed for the standard gametypes in the Objective, Slayer, Snipers, and SWAT playlists which can be downloaded in the Matchmaking Gametypes compendium.


    A few things to note not visible in the images: The mancannons have been changed so vehicles are not affected allowing them to operate freely on the platforms without risk of being shot off across the map. After a few complicated angle adjustments the bumps in the road around the gazebos are gone and in other areas are reduced to the minimum possible with the lousy rotation system. Those won't be noticeable in an actual game.
    #1 pyro, Jul 19, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2012
  2. Zero Point

    Zero Point Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Your download link appears to be broken, but luckily I was able to get to the map from your profile and I will enjoy taking a look at this when I get the chance to. It looks awesome.

    One question however, is this also set up for Speedpile or would the flags start to cause framerate issues if you know?
  3. FM and the BB

    FM and the BB Promethean

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    I remember playing this map a long time ago. I got to say it was a crazy fun map. Though I can see you pretty much made it into a new map since I saw it last, It still looks just as fun if not more. I will have to check out the updated version of it, and I hope to see more from you!
    #3 FM and the BB, Jul 19, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2012
  4. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    While Minaris still has a lot of the same gameplay (good and bad) that Kiparis had, I do enjoy the map being a bit smaller, making it easier for infantry to move across the map instead of huddling along the sides. The big LOS blocker also helps tremendously. I enjoyed are few games on here, flag was good and slayer still worked perfectly fine. However I still don't think the gazebos will work for bomb: The domed shape where the plant is makes it easy to nade the planter and the open space around it makes a sneak attack with the bomb all but impossible. Furthermore, with the bomb on the roof it takes far too long to get your bomb again when it is reset, forcing players to take some roundabout routes to reach it and wasting precious time. Overall the map plays well, but Assault just did not work.

    Good job Fangro, always good to have some more 12-16 player count maps to play.
  5. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Pyro posted two maps in one month? :surprise:

    Aww, it's just Minaris. The only games I got on this were during a massive lag-induced shitstorrm, so I could not tell much about how the map played in relation to Kiparis. I must say that the lack of warthogs makes me sad though, still it should make for a different style of gameplay which is cool. Now, when do I get to see your latest project?
  6. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Ok, from what I can see this map looks very nice and all and looks like it would play well too, but the only concern for me is the 12th picture. The upside down inclines coming out of a building structure? I'm sorry but that ruined the aesthetics for me. I'm sorry if it'sfor a reason such as not having enough budget, but if not I would suggest fixing it.
  7. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    4chub is being pissy. I didn't change the link but it works fine now.

    I played a few games of assault and didn't find it that difficult to sneak into the gazebo. I also tried the bomb down in the gazebo, but that didn't work well because it's difficult to get out with it. An increased spawn weight on the mancannon platforms and top of the gazebo made getting the bomb much easier. Assault a pain to work with but since the game you were in I've worked it out.
    Subtract 4 from the player count btw shoe.

    Soon duck, soon.

    Those bridges aren't going anywhere. I found they play well and think they look good (in game) although not as good as on Kiparis. They help with the object count too.
    #7 pyro, Jul 20, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2012

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