But it looks very similiar to a Pelican. Another thing BO2 is going to have is a device that lets you see through walls. They are sort of copying Halo.
its been in development for 2 years, i doubt they copied something that was just announced for halo 4 a couple weeks ago
Am I the only one who likes the look of this game? I'm a real sucker for technology and futuristic stuff, hence the reason I love Halo, but it seems many people don't like it. I know COD ruined the gaming industry with its yearly releases but this looks fairly innovative as they can use some different and creative ideas as they're not restricted by the bounds of current technology. I hope they do this as I'm actually quite pleased with the look of the game so far.
I love how all the comments for the release trailer on Youtube are saying **** like, "RIP CoD, ur just becoming like Halo and BF3. **** dis game." And then, on our end, everyone is complaining about Halo 4 becoming just like CoD.
People are a pretty crazy gai. It's kinda like CoD is becoming everything else, and everything else is becoming CoD. meet me half way, so all our games are the same, and all incredibly awful. It's a win-win situation for everybody
you guys are silly, everybody knows that everything in modern FPSs comes from Aliens. Spoiler and my favorite "Aliens" Sentry Guns Scenes - YouTube and personally, ive got my fingers crossed for heavy loaders in black ops 2. also, which killstreak number do you guys think the horses will be?
I was looking for Aliens stuff after someone said they had something close to a Pelican which was "ripping off halo" even though they got the idea from Aliens.
This. Yeah, I really hate how people say Halo's ripping off COD while it's pretty much vice versa. COD was always supposed to be Modern or WW2 or inbetween that and suddenly they jump to scifi where Mason will porobably be fighting again but not as a normal ground soldiers, but they'll put in in some kind of super suit probably. And then, after they made Infected they'll make Invaded, Emperor of the hill and Regicidal as new gametypes.
you cant possibly be serious. as if halo was even close to the first thing to ever feature any of those things. the game is set in the future (near future, mind you, like 2025)? they must be just ripping things straight out of halo. they have a gametype where the objective is to kill the other team? someone call microsoft, i think we have a lawsuit on our hands. seriously how can anybody make comments this unintelligent?
By not posessing the required amount of intellegence in order to make a comment that is not that unintellegent. And we all know that the new feature will be called spartaned fighter ops. Deal with it And FYI - The horses will kill everybody on the map, and that is the killstreak for taking the time to turn on your console, load up the game, join a match and put 1 bullet on somebody (kill everybody on the map at the same time)
Why the hell would you start a discussion for Black Ops 2. This site is for Halo not an FPS that is always the same. I really hate Call of Duty. In my opinion this game.....(drum roll)......SUCKS
I completely agree with your opinion ON BLACK OPS 2 (I love all the Modern Warfares), but that doesn't mean that a discussion for the game isn't warranted. Yes, we are a website with a focus on Halo's The Forge, but this is the Games Discussion Forum. If the community wanted to it can start a thread for every game existing/in development, good or bad. Don't suppress discussion of a topic just because you are not in support of said topic. That said... I do hope Nuketown 20xx or whatever the official name is turns into a real map. Like that one level on MW2's campaign, a multiplayer setting in a suburban neighborhood would be interesting. I can just imagine calling out "They dropped the bomb at Elm St. and Main Ave!"
You know multiplayer is going to be drone ****ing mania. I was intrigued when i heard that the writer of TDKR is working on this, but i dont think it's enough to make me get a call of duty title ever again.
I just wanna point out its cool to hate on COD just like it was cool at hate on armor lock bloom and is cool to hate Justin beiber and twilight so your never gonna not get hate for COD games so just try to ignore them. Spoiler Twilight of Consciousness - YouTube I dunno if i will be getting Black ops 2, I didn't even want to get black ops 1 but got given it and it was horrible felt like 1 spawn point then been forced to be funneled into 1 of 2 path ways every map, First pathway was shortest but camped so instant death 99% of time and 2nd pathway was 3times as long to get to where i wanted to go and was usually guarded by claymore or random person at random spot which wasted so much more time. I didnt get Mw3 even though I really enjoyed MW2 so just have to wait for lot more info to come out to guarantee its not following same spawning system has black ops 1. I like COD games there casual stress reliving fun if made right.
In my opinion, Black Ops was better than Modern Warfare 3. Because I thought MW3 sucked ass. Modern Warfare 2 was better than CoD 4 before everyone started the whole 360 NO SCOPE TRICKSHOT HARDCORE crap. So right now, if I had to play any of them online, it'd be Black Ops. It's the most balanced. So I might get my hands on Black Ops 2 once we see some more multiplayer footage.
They are doing a point system similar to Halo 4's weapon unlock system. Black Ops 2 Multiplayer Details! - YouTube
I just want the new class system. 10 Points on whatever you want? I really hope I can have the M9/Makarov equivalent dual wielded, with the magnum equivalent as a new secondary, probably a grenade and a mine, and then 5 perks - all supporting the run & gun playstyle that I strive for (camping is for noobs, now even more so with the millimetre whatever they're calling it). For "Score-streaks" I'll be running the standard UAV, C-UAV and airstrike equivalent.
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Multiplayer Interview Part 1 w/ David Vonderhaar (Inside Gaming Extended) - YouTube