Montana v Alaska

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by wade, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. wade

    wade Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Name: Montana v Alaska
    Players: 8-16

    I'm practically done with this one. All I have left to finish are the spawn points. Unfortunately I'm not going to be able get them done tonight, but I thought I would at least start building up some hype. Yeeea Dawg! This Map Is Reeaal!!
    It has the spirit of my good old epic first map Monitor vs Merrimack; except refined, compressed, symeticizeded, and completely different.

    I won't give away anything else that the pictures don't already say for now. Whenever I put up the final thread I will give a fully detailed description of the Montana map, the Alaska map, and everything else in between. If you want to test it out with me, or on your own, let me know. I have been doing a lot of testing and it is looking pretty awesome so far.















    P.S. Now that my fileshare is expanded on Waypoint I got Corporate Takeover back online. It didn't catch on as well as some of the others, so I took it down for space before, but it's definitely a fun map. I also got some of my old game-types back on. Check them out if you like my other stuff.
  2. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm wondering what this map is going to play like. As far as I know, 100% out of 100% of the maps in the past that featured a battle that concerned both Montana and Alaska at the same time have failed. You should probably work really hard on the spawning areas (I'd use respawn zones for sure) as I'm guessing that spawn killing can become very easy and effective once one of the two teams takes control of the other side. My advice is to test the crap out of this map.
  3. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Why did you bother building another one of these. I thought the montana-Alaska bridge map fad had passed but clearly that's not the case for some people.
  4. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
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    Your rock bridges look like two penises. Just saying...

    You might want to add a little more structure to the bases as well, they look a little open. I dislike the look of the Warthog huts, they look boring and un-original.
  5. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    I'm going to say that this is a map I would not want to play on.there are 3 ways to cross and you didn't even bother to make a larger bridge that is less campable. The rock bridge has room for one person and one fight is going to make anyone said above, just limit it to one side.
  6. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    I'm sorry but this map won't work man. I've tested so many of these and they all have the same problem with what waterfall said. I think you need to scrap this one and start trying to build a more original style of map.
  7. wade

    wade Forerunner
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    REMkings - Well I guess I can still to be the first person to make it work... I honestly didn't realize these kinda maps were a thing. Pyro mentioned it too thou. Hopefully the spawning system, and weapon dispersion will make it extremely difficult for either team to completely take over the others' side. I get very technical with the spawn points, lots of counting and math... I am definitely doing a lot of testing.

    Pyro - I actually traveled into the past and started the fad. Now I've come back to the future to end it.

    Sky - Montana and Alaska. Red states love to touch tips.
    The bases are kinda open.. I am having a hard time judging how hard it will be to get to a flag or cp. The dynamic inside the room is pretty cool thou because going all the way up the ramps will take you upstairs and outside.
    I agree about the huts. I care a lot more about gameplay than aesthetics, but I don't like the garages either. They were originally just place holders until I ran out of money. If i can figure out a way to change them I will.

    By the way this thing somehow posted itself. I was trying to preview it, suddenly I couldn't get on FH for a few hours, then when I got back it was up... I have a bunch more pics, but I'll just save them for the real post.
  8. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If anything, try and make a much wider bridge, the bridges you currently have are complete death traps.
  9. wade

    wade Forerunner
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    Damn, I really didn't realize this had been done a lot, but I'm certainly not going to scrap mine just because some other people couldn't pull it off right. I have checked all the sight lines. When there is a camper there are always multiple ways to clear him/her out. Also the falcon and banshees. What exactly happened when you tested these supposedly similar maps? Just couldn't get across, or something else?

    Edited by merge:

    Seriously though, why exactly have people had problems with these maps in the past? Is it just because it's too hard to get across the bridges? The stone bridge is meant to be extremely dangerous. It is where you are thrown if you use the teleporters inside the bases, there can also be other reasons for braving it.. the other two bridges are pretty much automatic. You literally can't miss the vehicle one, and the far bridge has two heavy man cannons at low takes all of about a second to get across. The areas at the end of the bridges are out in the open. anyone camping there can be easily picked off from the other side of the gorge. On top of all that there are 3 air vehicles on each side. I guess I still haven't tested it with a full 16 people. I haven't seen the problems yet, but if there are going to be some I want to know what to look for specifically.
    #9 wade, Jul 19, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2012

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