I would rather not have a game like Bulletstorm or Gears of War, where they add in as much unnecessary cursing and blood as possible; makes me feel like I'm playing a game designed for immature 10 year olds and I would rather not associate myself with those children.
GOW/fallout 3 body-exploding type violence is awesome, and not in an immature way. most males enjoy some nice blood and gore, it doesnt make a game childish. but it does have its place, and i dont think halo is that place. i wouldnt mind a bit more violence though
I don't exactly care about allowing vulgarity, but when I was uploading pictures onto the 343 fileshare for one of the maps I've uploaded on forgehub [which the quick description is of the map name and the date], and it was banned. The 'date' was even banned when I deleted the map name. That 'would' be one example of it being extreme - and some other map names I've had to unfortunately change because it sounds 'similar' to something else.
dude no way! same thing happened to me! check out this thread! http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-general-discussion/139923-wednesday.html
0_o. Weird, it could have been a glitch. I was able to take pictures of the map on one day, and not the next. I didn't bother seeing about trying another day since I was in a hurry to upload the map that I was using the pictures for.
Dismemberment isn't such a big deal. I wouldn't care so much if Halo added a bit more than ketchup stains, but I don't think that it is really big enough of a deal to be game changing in the slightest. The main focus of my original post is that the game's story will progress when somebody is dismembered into 40 pieces and a character reacts to that like: "**** SHITBALLS! THAT WAS ****ING TIT-MILK ASS MOTHERFUCKING AWESOME ASS ****!" Fallout, however, approached violence and gore in a mature way, for the most part.
I got to say, it sounds like someone isn't happy because they have to go up with there parent to buy the game.
I believe the reason there is little gore in halo has several reasons and effects that are perfectly reasonable. The first is the actual aspect of gore in multi player, halo is a team game and due to the large amount of health each player has compared to other shooters, you need to be fast and accurate. Usually you will find yourself in situations of facing of against 2 or more players in an area, if blood is flying everywhere it can obscure your shot, this doesn't matter much in other games because you can just spray through and as long as a few bullets hit your fine. But in halo missing a shot can lose you the fight. Another is the fact that the game is already quite mature because of its large amount of plot, background lore, and intelligent combat which would fly over the head of younger gamers who just wouldn't be able to cope with a game where you cant just run out and spin around shooting and you'll kill someone. Also it actually makes more sense that there is hardly any gore, first they are Spartans, who have hardened muscle fibre, skin and bone meaning bullets only just penetrate and bone just don't break. But even if there was to be a large amount of blood, their spartan suit is air tight, any blood would stay inside the suit mostly. On the idea of just swearwords and other profanity's being allowed, there is really no need for them and it doesn't make the game any more mature, it in fact makes it immature, you can talk about it all you want but I haven't seen an amazing map with matchmaking potential named F***tard ***** yet.
I'll be honest, I'm at a lack of what to say. It's M-rated because it contains blood, violence and swearing. (In the Halo 3 campaign, at least). If you think that the amount of blood, violence and swearing it has doesn't qualify it to be M rated, that's not a halo problem. I'm not so sure about the filters, but I don't really use them that much. I'm not even going to comment on the fact your name is "P1MPxSLaSH", or that you want "ass" to be in your tag. Are you sure you're old enough to judge M rated games? I don't mean to ad hominem but you have a critical misunderstanding of age rating (I don't think a film with one second of intense sex would rate as something that everyone can watch if the rest of it was a my little pony episode), your GT is "P1MPxSLaSH", you're using the fact that your GT is that to try and excuse putting "A55" or pimp in your service tag, and you're saying Halo should grow up because it's been rated M by a third party? I don't think 343i plan on adding a master chief-cortana sex scene to halo 4, but why don't you just go and suggest it? -oh, and I don't mean to sound like a runescape fanboy, but they have an option to disable the filter entirely and I keep doing this thing were I edit in afterwords, but w/e "old enough to be your daddy" "19" what are you, british?
its a game, you play it, i dont understand why its that big of a deal that its m rated, thats like not buying a platinum classic xbox game because of the grey box
I think I'm ready to support this thread now. My older brother likes to play call of duty from time to time, but he considered getting into halo when Halo 4 comes out (he played some halo 3, but he wasn't too fond of it). But to be honest, Halo has become so fruity and retarded that I almost don't even want to show the game to him. The announcer narrates nearly everything, you get medals for random things like driving a flag carrier, medals acknowledging that you suck (Comeback!), and the majority of helmets/armor pieces look like cluster**** designs (Even Halo 3's Hayabusa made sense; either that or the unicorn known as Fotus). Also, this video: 343 Industries Discuss Halo 4 Multiplayer Features (Machinima Parody) - YouTube The best thing this game has going for Halo is the fact that guns still shoot bullets and the assassinations in this game (of course, the animations were a horrible introduction to Halo games). Also, the campaign is promising. But Look! It's Halo's Justice League, ready for action: I'm not as pissed as it looks like, but I seriously hate what has happened to Halo. I'm willing to believe that this game will end up being rated "T" in the future.
how is this bad? the narration is for audio cues as well as visual, it can only help gameplay. and medals for doing things like driving the flag carrier promote teamwork and actually playing the gametype instead of lone wolfing/ stat padding. no i doubt it. as a general rule, the ESRB doesnt tend give a rating below M if you kill human beings in the game.