Empyrean Station Machinima attributed map Welcome to the courtyard! Here is a map for the enjoyment of any Machinima director, as it was made for any Machinima in need of some good'ol maps. =] Purpose: Empyrean Station is a monolithic courtyard that resides off the edge of a cliff. For anyone traveling to Empyrean, the most convenient way is through a flight to it's docking bay. After crossing the courtyard, the city is nearly free to travel through on foot or vehicle, and holds a magnificent view of the land from the skies. Contemporaneously: Empyrean Station underwent a recent shift in control, resulting in a rebel force to have superseded power from local military forces. In response to imminent military retaliation from distant bases, rebel forces of Empyrean Station have set up defenses, such as rocket-hogs for incoming areal attacks. Machinima: If you can find the right angles, then the journey through the courtyard -while it may be quick - may also be a glorious one. From the landing pad at the base of the cliff, to walking across a shiny walkway, to guarding the perimeters from a watchtower made for sniping, to disappearing into the lovely urbanized setting in the background. Of course, words alone cannot visualize the map for you, so here are some sample angles and visuals to work from. Enjoy! Pictures:
The link does not work. It takes me to your maps but the one in question is not present. If you could fix this I would very much like to try it out. A fellow boricua, I see.
Hi, thanks for the notice everyone. I will have time to fix this right after my work today. I get off around five, Central Time. EDIT: Here's the link http://halo.xbox.com/en-US/haloreac...lect=Tile&tags=&startIndex=0&details=29712136