trying to upload a screenshot but the description was blocked. I didnt have a modified one, just an autonamed one. I deleted each word at a time to see what word was blocked and... it was... yeah... Wednesday. Woah... sorry. Did I just cuss? because we all know Wednesday is such a terrible word WTF???????
What the Wednesday, bro. But really that's quite strange, never heard of that happening before. I guess it was just a small glitch in the system. Kinda funny actually
What were the words before and after it? There are some things the filter searches for across spaces.
You should break apart the word, like Wed, or dnesd, or nesdy, or edne, ect. I wanna find out what the problem is here. Their resoning is going to make sense, if only a little.
Maybe because Wednesday is reffered to 'hump day', and Bungie doesn't want to do with anything with the word 'hump' in it. Most logical reasoning so far, even if not logical.
Bungie are by far the strictest company when it comes to expletives in their games. I can get away with iBum as my MW3 tag but not on Reach
well I took some more screenshots and its still doing it and I definitely made sure its Wednesday and not any of the other date and time information. we need to figure this out