Ok, so this is more of a 1v1 arena than a 1v1 map. Think of it like an octagon, only it has verticality. The idea was to put 2 players in a room with 4 different platforms with each platform being on a different level. With all the 1v1 maps being made for the Smackdown tournament, I wanted to create something that rewarded aggressive gameplay and put more emphasis on player skill than map knowledge. Arena only requires knowledge of the weapon placement. I know that first and foremost, the tournament thing is a forge contest, and I will be the first to admit that this is just a 1v1 donut map. I only wanted to see how this is received by the public, and if anything, it's a decent warm up map. Custom x 1 / 60s Sniper Rifle x 1 / 58s / 0 spare clips Grenade Launcher x 1 / 88s / 1 spare clip Download Link
This looks pretty incredible. I want to play with you some time here, also I would prefer if you made it less of a doughnut. Perhaps make two areas cut off by height differences insurmountable by one side, opposite of each other. This would still make the outer ring, but one could not make a complete circle and would be forced to go elsewhere (the center I assume) to complete the circle. Anyway next time you see me on Reach invite me to the sexy map. EDIT: Is this for the contest, or no?
My problems with the map would be the spawning, los, and the staircase areas. People would quickly find that the ramp that takes you to the highest point is more powerful than it should be. If I was trying to win, I would peak shoot behind that ramp, and occasionally check for custom. Also, the spawns will either work against, or in favor of the respawner depending on how you decide to set up spawns. If you have all of the spawns in the back of the staircase, then it would be incredibly easy for the victor to learn the spawn system of the map.
If i was playing you, I'd simply toss a nade back there. Look at the way the walls and roof contain and deflect grenades back there, your ****ed. Also, obviously there's spawning and LOS problems. But if he meant for it to be an octagon map, then that goes without saying. I like this map, and I think it would promote some good gameplay. Actually, this map would seperate the men from the boys. Everytime you spawn it's a fight to the death, where as a larger map would entail more running, shield regeneration, evading and map control due to map knowledge.
The problem with what you are describing is that then we'd have a dead end or a VERY vulnerable position, which I did not want. I did entertain the idea of only having 3 staircases between the platforms, but then there would only be 3 places to spawn safely. So, I opted for the donut design for somewhat safer spawning and continuos map flow. I will try to get some games on it this weekend and may or may not post it or submit it for the contest. Even if I did submit it for the contest, other more original and creative maps should win, and I would expect them to. The staircases are not as powerful as you think. The highest platform and the stairs behind them are vulnerable to the platform across from it which is only .5 units lower than the highest platform. Also, the Sniper Rifle spawns across from that highest platform so a down player will have a useful weapon to take out someone doing what you are describing. Also, the staircases are very tight and a few good nades, like what Paints said, should do the trick. There are only 4 respawn points and they are, in fact, behind the staircases. It is incredibly easy to predict spawning. Keep in mind though that a player's LoS affects spawning, so a player SHOULD, but won't always, spawn somewhere away from a player's reticule. Also, there is a chance that the player will spawn in the staircase adjacent to the one you may be in, which also helps break the set up of peak shooting over the high platform. Good eye man. I was hoping for this kind of feedback. I did intend it to be an octagon-ish map. Like I said in the OP, it is more of an arena than a map, hence the name. The LOS aren't that bad and neither is spawning. If anything, 1v1 maps in general can be VERY easy to predict spawning since are less factors to influence spawning making it more predictable. This map is no different. Added the download link to the OP.
When you said 1v1 maps are usually easy to predict spawns, I'm going to assume you mean warm up maps. Making it nadeable is a good way of weakening the position, but anyone who has decent awareness would be able to avoid them. In order to grab the snipe, you have to go into the center, which is an easy kill for the person holding down staircase. Yes, line of sight has influence on the spawn, but the spawn is blocked by the column, so it is of little importance. The most significant spawn determination is location of death/location of opposing player. @Paints: You can enjoy the map, but that doesn't make the points I'm mentioning invalid. Hell, people love octagon, and I see it as a broken, lazy map.
I think this looks pretty good as an arena. It's a lot more advanced than your typical warm up arena in terms of how the games would play. I suppose it would also help people warm up a lot better as they wouldn't be just firing at one another on the same Height level. However, a 'safe' spawn approach isn't really necessary is it? I thought the idea of an arena was so there were no line of sight blockers in the map ensuring you were always in combat as much as possible so you could warm up properly? I don't think something along these lines would get put into the tournament though, despite how nice it looks.
I don't agree. It would not be a dead end if there were a side door to continue on. This door would simply not continue in the circle. I can see your point about a vulnerable position however, perhaps a solid wall would be a better choice for this option. Regardless if you don't like it then by all means do not do it.
Wow Noooooch I could have sworn I was reading Secret Snitchzel's idea for his map. He is doing almost the same exact layout... strange. The two maps look very similar.
Strange, it's a common idea for 1v1s. And me and Nooooch are pretty awesome. Btw, Nooochy pooochies, did your gold die or something? You no reply to messages or join parties.
Hey - I played a match on this last night. Overall the layout is nice. It plays less octagon-ey than I expected. The crates are annoying. Too finicky to jump on in the heat of battle. A block with no gap behind it or a lip at the back or something would be nice. Spawns were predictable - more spawn points would keep it fro getting monotonous. And of course there were some bumps in the ramps, but I'm sure I don't need to go into detail on that. Solid map.
Hm. In retrospect I should have just kept the "warm up aspect" to myself and see if people came to that conclusion on their own, but whatever. It was a little more than just spawning safely really. I just didn't go into detail about it. Spawning behind the pillars not only spawns players relatively safely, but it also gives players a choice off spawn as to how they want to approach their opponent. They can either choose the high ground approach or the low ground approach with offers you a pair of grenades. I also wanted a little more travel time around the map, so the pillars, while slowing down gameplay a little bit, did add a little variety to gameplay and served other functions as well. Huh. Interesting... I would like to see it sometime. 1v1 this weekend? My gold did expire and I've been reluctant to renew it. I have a 2 day trial thing that Alzarahn gave me so I'll be using that for the weekend. Hey, thanks for the feedback! Yeah I knew the crates were a little unreliable... I had an idea to switch it out with a block anyway. Not sure where I could add some spawn points without them being too vulnerable... I'll come over the ramps when I update the map, which will be soon. Thanks for the comments everyone.