Thread Title: VAPOR LOCK 2.0 Map Name: Vapor Lock Canvas Map: Forge World Creator Name(s): SpeedBird21 Last Updated: 7/12/2012 Player Count: 2-8 Recommended Gametypes: MLG, Slayer, 1v1 Supported Gametypes: Slayer, CTF Vapor Lock is a map specificily designed for 1v1 FHSmackdown. It can be retrofitted to support up to 8 players (Recommended no more than 6) with addition respawn points, and different timers on power weapons. Top Center of the map features an active camo which does NOT spawn at map start. On the lower level is a Rocket, and up top has TWO snipers symmetrical with only 4 shots each. Lower man cannon launches you up to the top, but this map needs some game play to test its validity. Spawn Times: Sniper: 120 x 0 spare Shotgun: 120 x0 spare (No spawn at start) Camo: 120 Hologram: 60 Sprint: 60 Download: VAPOR LOCK 2.0 QUESTIONS: Bad to have two Snipers on such a small map (It is only 4 shots each)? Bad to not have Camo spawn at the beginning of the game? Overall map layout? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Any advice?
I suggest finding an alternative to the bridges because they provide little room for movement and, the way you've placed them, create very long lines of sight. Also, you may want to lower those gravity lifts as they seem to launch players pretty high. This map definatly isn't small and I would say no to the snipers, to be honest. Instead, I would replace the rocket launcher with one central sniper set to not spawn at start considering how useful it would be on this map. I'd swap its position with the Camo as well. Just my two cents though. I will try to get a game on it soon and give some better feedback.
Sounds good. I'll add sniper down low, get rid of the 2 snipes up top and replace maybe with some AA. In regards to bridge.... The small tunnel that the snipers are currently resting on? I don't follow. I was trying to make a map that tested a players long, medium and close quarters shooting. And I'll lower the gravities by 2 units. See how that does.
No, Auburn means the bridges all around the center look and play badly. You end up rather unprotected all the time and running around in circles with no other path to go to. It is known.
Okay I added more cover on bridge, REMOVED Rockets, added just ONE Sniper at lower level. Where sniper was I added one Hologram and 1 Sprint. Let me know what you guys think? Thanks! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Redid a ton. Way better now.