
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by KITTY girl x, Jul 16, 2012.

  1. KITTY girl x

    KITTY girl x Forerunner

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    Created by KITTY girl x

    Map Description:
    I based my map on a bioshelter structure which uses glazing to contain and protect the living biology inside, control air exchange and absorb energy. The building exchanges nutrients, gases and energy with the surrounding environment, produces crops, and recycles waste organic material into the soil. Solar energy is stored as heat energy in thermal mass such as water, stone, masonry, soil and plant biomass. This map is setup on 2 levels and a spider Tower. The bottom level holds the sniper rifle. The middle level holds the most spawning weight and houses the rocket launcher and a couple other guns. The spider tower has the best view of the map.This map was specially made for crazy king but you can play a 4v4 or a 8v8.

    Battle on Spider Tower


    First Floor


    Second Floor


    Battle Platform



    bioshelter - YouTube

    Thank you for looking at my map please leave comments below. Love you all
    #1 KITTY girl x, Jul 16, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2012
  2. iBag4Food

    iBag4Food Forerunner

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    Nice map! It is very unique and plays very well on a lot of gametypes. The only thing i would say change is maybe lower the tin cup in the center a bit because the lines sort of overlap but other than that this is perfect nice job!
  3. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    like the layout. its a very verticle style map which isnt seen too often. although this makes it seem like the jetpack class has too much power to maneuver through the level. I watched the video for the whole thing just for the song. thats awesome
  4. Zigywig

    Zigywig Forerunner

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    How is framerate on the map? With a glass ceiling it makes me worried that it will have bad framerate.
  5. KITTY girl x

    KITTY girl x Forerunner

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    There is no lag on this map u can try for yourself and jet packs aren't in this game . I'm looking at the tin cup right now but i cant see any over lapping its perfectly put the way i had set it. maybe we can get together and you can show me what you were talking about. I'm a very precise forger and i would have caught something like that immediately. thank you for your comments negative or positive they will make me a better forger.
  6. Redy

    Redy Hipster
    Senior Member

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    I remember playing this in a lobby with some friends a long time ago. Yes, It seens to have quite bad Framerate in the bottom areas with light and the top glass sails...Anyway, the overall map plays really good thought. The top corners are pretty crazy, you can see people coming from all sides. Good work, by the way.
    #6 Redy, Jul 17, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2012

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