Whats up everyone! Just a little commentary telling you guys what im gonna play first on Halo 4 when it comes out. Probly gonna play a game of team snipers first cause the main thing i do in Halo is snipe so i have to play it first What are you guys gonna play first? Campaign, Spartan Ops, MatchMaking, Customs, Forge? Tell me in the comments Thanks for watching hope you enjoy! What Are You Gonna Play First On Halo 4? | Commentary - YouTube
Well.the very first thing I'm going to do is invasion(if they have it) then I will do btb. After I get my fill of matchmaking for the day I will go to forge.then I will get started in campaign.
I'm going to complete the first mission of the Campaign, then play one or two games of Matchmaking. After that, I'll go into Forge on every map to check them out, and look at every single Forge object on each map.
I'm goin straight to forge to check out the maps and their objects. And in between forge sessions, I'll be doing random customs and matchmaking to get used to the game.
For Halo 4, I'll do exactly what I did with Reach: Forge for a tinsy bit while waiting for friends to get on, then play through the entire campaign in one sitting. Afterwards, I hit the MM stage.
Campaign (entirety) probably on Heroic or Legendary. Then a bit of Forge to check out the new shiz, then into MM.
Yeah I'm gonna take my time enjoying the campaign on heroic first up and not bother with other stuff until its done.
Campaign on normal by myself and heroic with friends after. I COULD do legendary, but Id rather have an enjoyable first taste of the Halo 4 storyline rather than constantly respawning
This is a classic trick to get views/comments... Anyways, I'll probably go into forge, see what's new, play campaign through, eat carrots, then MM for like 3 years with campaign replays here and there.
Not sure, campaign to get the feel of h4, then halfway check on forge to see how sexy it is, then multiplatyer
First I'm checking out forge, gonna remake Dead World, my Infection RPG hybrid, and make a couple other maps. Then gonna play SinglePlayer, then some MM.