Thoughts On Linear Infection

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Frost Bite323, Jul 16, 2012.

  1. Frost Bite323

    Frost Bite323 Forerunner

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    *Shh, I'm off duty, don't tell anyone I posted*

    I've seen this community do "so many wonders"(Props to those who understand this reference) to the infection game type, from it's rejoice to being added as an official game type in Halo 3 and to it's renditions and countless remakes in Reach. But, one thing I cannot put my finger on is the linear infection game types. Most people compare these to Left 4 Dead or Alien Swarm, but I've come to a conclusion: That isn't true.

    While is IS true the map of a linear infection game gives the progression feel and that "Left 4 Dead" vibe, it's NOT true that the game type can be compared to Left 4 Dead. I understand that really the only progression types we've seen here is the game types like ZM Outbreak or Rifte's Left 4 Dead series, but these are not true to the Left 4 Dead type feel we all compare them too.

    To truly get that Left 4 Dead style of game play, there would have to be a tone down in humans. When compared to the game types listed above, that tone down would be a major game breaker, as having only 4 humans at the start is way too overpowering toward the zombies.

    But, how do we get that style we all strive for? Well, how many hits does it take for a zombie to kill a human in the Left 4 Dead games? Maybe 4 or 5 on Expert, but that may be too much in the larger games.
    Perhaps we should mimic the Advanced difficulty in Left 4 Dead; 4 Humans, the rest are infected, and it takes about10 or 12 swipes, give or take, to finally take one down. Sure, that's 40+ swipes for a zombie victory, but when divided into the 12+ zombies that(At least, should) are constantly swinging their swords, the burden is lessened.
    This also changes the emotional factor of the game; Having your 3 teammates cover you as you are dangerously low on health becomes much more important, and that ever-so-wasteful health pack that seemed to trivial in the other game types becomes the Holy Grail of pickups.

    And now, the Tank doesn't get gunned down by 10 or so Assault Rifles.

    Of course, I could just be babbling on about something unimportant, so feel free to call me an idiot.

    Any thoughts you'd like to share?
    #1 Frost Bite323, Jul 16, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2012
  2. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    But I have only one question: Why do we have to recreate L4D to create a true, enjoyable linear progression experience?

    Currently I'm working with linear progression, and have found that L4D is a great inspiration, but it cannot be translated well into reach. Instead of trying to remake it directly, one must create their own unique experience while still pulling many concepts from the games.

    With the gametype, I honestly think it would be boring as hell to play as a supposed common infected. Even in the L4D multiplayer itself, those who are infected play as special infected, b/c otherwise the game as a zombie would painfully tedious. I find that the L4D settings work in the games simply because the zombies are AI - AI who don't need to be satisfied by gameplay, nor need specific areas of the map to contour to their settings. When you translate this into Halo, you don't bring the humans down to fit L4D, you make the common infected more powerful.

    For damage, I would say a human should take 4 hits. With 4 a human can afford to **** up or be caught out by a zombie once, but if swarmed will die very fast.
    #2 Berb, Jul 16, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2012
  3. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No offence man, but honestly I don't see the reasons behind creating this thread as the things you said didn't really... make sense.
    You can't put Left 4 Dead in Halo Reach by simply copying the traits. It doesn't work that way. Berb pretty much summed up why already.
    And I don't even see why you would want to remake a typical L4D experience in the first place. I'm sure it could be awesome for machinimas, but for actual gameplay, the Linear Progression maps as how they're being made in Reach right now are just fine.
  4. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    They are better than fine :p The Linear map being made right now are completely revamping the style of infection!
  5. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    As long as people keeping bringing new stuff, I'm perfectly fine with that. :)
    It's just that quite a lot of people seem to think that every linear map has to follow the same composition and play according to the same rules. There should be more originality in my opinion.
  6. MacoroniMayorTOFU

    MacoroniMayorTOFU Promethean

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    I don't what to sound mean or harsh, but making this thread was a little waste of time. Let people compare it to Left 4 Dead. It really doesn`t matter, no offence

    CAPNxXxCANT Forerunner

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    The original post is 3 days old and 2 people have already said the same exact thing you did. I've noticed you do this a few times, and I would just like to suggest reading other comments before posting, especially in such a short thread

    EDIT: Just to say something on topic, I would like to agree with Elliot. Linear infection is great the way it is, and really the only form of infection I enjoy in reach
    #7 CAPNxXxCANT, Jul 20, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2012
  8. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    ^This Macaroni. This is the second time you literally copy one of my previous posts. I like you, but please stop doing that.

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