Gone Fishing in The Amazon River

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Poolio, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. Poolio

    Poolio Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You Live in Manaus, Brazil, along one of the most well known Rivers in the World, the Tropic Amazon River. You live so close to the river, yet have never gone to it your entire life, so you ask your father to take you and your many brothers and sisters on a trip to the Amazon. As he agreed to this vacation, he packed lunches and other snacks for all the children, and eventually, left their home and traveled to the Amazon, little had they heard of the many horror stories and tragedies that have happened in the years' past. When you and the rest of your family arrive, you get out of the car and help your father unload all of the lunches and other fishing gear for your trip. When you and your dad finish unpacking, you jump into the river, not knowing about anything that may soon happen. Suddenly, a Pirahna leaps out of the water and attacks you and your family. As the fish bites you, you slowly start to become numb, and cannot control your own bodies actions. You start to attack your own family, dragging everyone into the river, as they too get attacked by the pirahnas. Eventually you have dragged everyone into the river, except for your own father. Still unable to control your actions, you attack him, but he thought about this before he arrived there, so he whipped out his pistol and started defending himself from the Army of Nullified Humans and Pirahnas...

    Welcome to my new Map: Gone Fishing In The Amazon River! This map took a total of about 356 Hours total to create, fix, and test.
    30 Minutes to Discover Underwater Glitch, Four hours to create the original map, Three Hundred Thirty Six hours waiting for the map to get tested by the Tester's Guild, Five hours to edit the map, and then another Ten hours of final tweaking and testing.


    Let's Start out with an Overview of this Map.



    And here are some Aesthetics.

    A Jellyfish

    A Piranha

    A Dolphin

    A Snake

    And an A For Amazon (I had 3 Rocks Left)


    Now lets get to the game play of this map.

    Here Is a 6 Minute Video of the Game Play

    Minigame: Amazon River - YouTube

    This is the Initial Spawn Camera

    Using the Underwater glitch, the zombies spawn underwater, taking the role of the Piranhas.[​IMG]


    The Humans Spawn Above the water.


    The area above the water is engulffed in a Safe Haven. This allows the humans to kill the "Piranhas" as they leap out of the water.

    If the humans fall into the water, they are in Piranha territory and are unable to kill them. However, there are two ways to get out of the water if you fall in. These ramps are very risky as well. These ramps are indicated underwater by very bright White lights.[​IMG]

    The "Piranhas" goal is to kill all of the "Fishers" above the water.


    The Humans get a motion sensor with a low distance, to get a general idea of where the "Piranhas" are if they are nearby.

    On the other hand, the humans have a way point above them to show the fish where they are located.

    Now Some Action Shots



    And that's the gist of it! I hope you all enjoy!


    Thanks SO much to all of the testers in the Guild:

    The Psycho Duck
    Th3 Equin0x
    Blood Gulch 7
    XpRz Govier x
    xNINJAx Walrus
    Tenrai Ranmyaku
    And the Hundreds of others not mentioned.

    I would also like to thank Pinohkio for recording the Gameplay video.

    Any Feedback is Appreciated

    Map Download

    Gametype Download
    #1 Poolio, Oct 21, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2012
  2. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well this was released quite quickly. The first time I played this it looked bland and was horribly balanced. however, as time went on, I was pleasantly surprised to see the map become much more fun and fair, and also gain an interesting look. I can now say that this is a fun, and interesting infection map. Good work.
  3. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Wasnt this made, but called Island Hoppers? Not sure, but the idea is fun, I like how you made the 1x1 talls. Not just having floating blocks, the aesthetics are cool, love the piranha aha. This looks really fun, nice mini game!
  4. Poolio

    Poolio Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks so much! I wasn't trying to take any ideas. I was looking up halo reach glitches on google, and found out how to get underwater, so I based my map off of that basics, and this is my creation. I'm also glad you enjoy it because it took me quite a long time for making this, even though it is probably one of the fastest posted map on hers. Anyways, thanks a lot!
  5. X2Sora

    X2Sora Halo 3 Era
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    I had the chance of playing this map. Overall it was very fun and enjoyable, though I never had the chances of playing as a piranha. Partly because everyone for some strange reason kept going underwater which was quickly followed by their death. The map itself has some very nice and creative aesthetics my particular favorite being the piranha. My only real complaint on the map is as the last man standing you don't really stand a chance. Having 8+ piranhas jumping at you from every direction with a pistol as your only line of defense -_- . Other than that you have crafted an excellent map here.
  6. Poolio

    Poolio Forerunner
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    I went into consideration with the last man standing thing. I raised the damage resistance, so that the last man standing can take 3 hits (With the exception of his health recharging) until he dies.
  7. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    We should definitely play this one time. :)
    Great job on the aesthetics as well, sometimes it's hard to take some extra time for the looks of your map while you actually already want to publice it, I found with my maps, but the patience always pays out.
    The setting (Amazon River) is also very original.
  8. Poolio

    Poolio Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, the aesthetic and revamp of my original map must have taken at least 5 hours, and I believe it all payed off.
  9. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
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    I think it did pay off, and I'm certainly surprised, seeing as you already decided to post this. Although I was sort of hoping that you wouldn't have followed through with your deadline, I'm still glad to see it hit the forums. How did the radar/waypoint testing play out? What did you decide to go with in that function?
    #9 Confused Flamingo, Oct 22, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2011
  10. Poolio

    Poolio Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    As I said above, I decide to keep the Humans with Waypoints, but I gave the Humans 25 meter Normal Sensors to tell when the zombies get near. It actually works really well and it balances out the power of the Zombies.

    EDIT: And this is actually about 5 days after my original "Deadline" but knowing havng eadlines makes you rush, I sort-of eliminated it. I took the time to look at the things you and whoever else it was to help look at the map, and help me decide the "jizz" with the waypoint.
    #10 Poolio, Oct 22, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2011
  11. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    As I've stated previously, I really admire how this map brings back the nostalgia of games like "Stay" on "The Boat"; where the zombie would act as a shark, and try to eat the humans. In other words, exactly the same of this map.

    This makes me extremely happy because I loved that gametype, and I'm glad that it's finally been remade.
  12. Poolio

    Poolio Forerunner
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    As I said many times before, I was not intending on basing this map off another, I just discovered a website with ta ton of Reach Glitches, and goin underwater was oone of them, so I made a map based off of that focal point, and this is what was put together. Im glad that you enjoy this map as much as I do! And again, Thanks a ton for recording the video! :)
  13. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    I downloaded this, the people I played it with are simply, how would I put this .. ignorant. They thought it sucks cause you fell in the water and you're screwed. But I found a rock that you can get back up, I mean it's creative but not my type of map. Thought of this idea before but wasn't sure how it would work, but you had my download. Nice job, keep making mini games.
  14. Poolio

    Poolio Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    That kind of is the whole point of the map, to not fall in. And I also stated that in the post, there are 2 rock paths to get up. They are quite risky as well.

    Also I was wondering [ANYBODY] if I should place a third way up in the back, (By the jellyfish) for another way people can get up, or are the 2 fine?
  15. Poolio

    Poolio Forerunner
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    Thanks! When you play this with a group, could you tell me if I need to add another set of stairs to get back up (by the Jellyfish)?
  16. PurexXxChicken

    PurexXxChicken Forerunner

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    I played with a group of four, maybe it was five people. It was by far the greatest infection slash minigame thing i have ever played. now, armor walkers is pretty cool, but i think this would have won. it is amazing.

    and yes, i think it would be better if you put another ramp, cause your pretty much dead if you fall in, so everyone in my lobby was camping the spots next to the ramps. i actually think you should put one in the middle, so everyone will kind of fan out. but already, this map is amazing and my favorite minigame
  17. Poolio

    Poolio Forerunner
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    Thanks, The only problem is that there's no money left in the budget, I would agree about adding another ramp to the area by the jellyfish, but I cannot. Now going back to the idea about the one in the middle, I like the idea, but the columns in the water make it hard to do that. Thanks for the feedback though :)
  18. Poolio

    Poolio Forerunner
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    Not meaning to bump this, but I fixed the map and gametype download since I was getting messages on XBOX. Enjoy!

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