a small symetrical map suited for most game types. each team spawns just outside theirrepective bases. the gameplay of the map ut an emphasis on movement, and with every opportunity there is to catch someone off guard there is an oppurtunity to turn the tables. using a drop to get behind an oncoming enemy or sneaking around a corner. the lower level of the map is a large open courtyard surounded by a single track that links the two bases. the upper level (red and blue base) are semi circular bases built around the arch of the track, they are inentical in every way, ach has a two entrances and a balcony overlooking th center courtyard. veiw of the maps interior center (courtyard) the outer track and courtyart. sen from outside the red base area the outr track as seen outside of the blue base. weapons include. 2 shotguns. 2 grenade luanchers. 2 needle rifles. 2 dmrs. 2 plama pistols. 2 needlers. 2 sniper rifles. plasma grenades frag grenades.
I have downloaded it and plan on checking it out tomorrow. From what I see I really like it. Feel free to add me on XBL cause I would be down to forge with you.
thanks. finally got the thumbnail to work think a lot of people overlooked the map becuase of th fualty thumbnail. hope they take a second look now.