Vent Your Frustrations!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Xun, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
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    What the **** do you do for a living? Sounds kinda crap/awesome
  2. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Work ona charter fishing boat as a summer job. Basically just take out tourists fishing, which isn't terrible lol
  3. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Nothing to do at work, so I'm on the net on my phone while I'm taking a dump. Wonder how long I can hide in here before they start to get suspicious. Oh well, time to play Where's My Perry? for twenty minutes.
  4. Pulpapple

    Pulpapple Promethean

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    I'm so tired of DMR's nerfing vehicles - ESPECIALLY the slow heavy ones like wraiths and scorpions. I hope they learn from this mistake.
    ****ING A. I am so ****ing tired of trolls who play the game ONLY to ruin your experience. I am so ****ing tired of a broken booting system that gives the assholes of the game immunity instead of punishment...I'm playing Arkham Asylum again - for a long time.
    #584 Pulpapple, Jul 12, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2012
  5. n3rdness

    n3rdness Forerunner

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    I know that there are sane people in the fandom, but for the most part I think that Bronies are currently the absolute most idiotic coagulation of people on the internet.

    Look, I can understand how someone can like the show. I mean, it originated from the same minds behind Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends and the Powerpuff Girls. What I don't understand is why the majority of these people feel the need to incessantly meme, barf, and push their little show out of every orifice as is their very lives depended on it. Holy ****, even if you're a part of the fandom I feel like you can agree that this **** has gone way too far.

    People are naming their children after ponies. People are shopping ponies into photos of **** concentration camps and receiving praise for how utterly heartbroken these pictures have made people feel. Bronies shove their fandom down peoples throats, only to turn around and question why they are hated by a large portion of the Internet in the first place. They assume anyone outside of their Xx_s00per l33t s3cret club_xX is an ignorant biggot because they don't watch their 'sophisticated television programming with intricate plot lines and 2deep4you character development'. R3AL MEN WATCH MY L1TTL3 P0NY!!!11!1!! UUUUUUUGH THERE WAS A REFERNENCE TO THE BIG LEBOWSKI, WHICH PROVE MLP IS TEH GREATEST SHOW EVAR!!1!!!1111!!!!one!!1!11!eleven!!111!!1!1!

    I thank the Lord I wasn't here for the whole PPC vs MLP bullshit, but my heart sank nonetheless when I returned only to find that half the staff now had ponies for their avatars.

    I have no idea what else to say at the moment other than I apologize if any of this legitimately offends you. I've had to put up with **** from bronies IRL for quite a while now, and tonight was the last straw. Again I'm increibly aware that there are sane and understanding members of this fandom (Hi Clark), but the large majority of you are honestly so of my least favorite people of the planet.
  6. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Someone in my DnD group is a Ranger, and I can understand that even though we already have a rogue, a sorcerer and a cleric (finally). What I don't understand is why they decided on being a 16 year old elven girl who apparently has large breasts and is chaotic evil. THE REST OF THE GROUP IS SOME KIND OF GOOD GOD DAMMIT!

    This annoys me so much to as make me contemplate suicide splitting the party.
  7. Pulpapple

    Pulpapple Promethean

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    Wow, I thought it was all for comical purposes...but children are being named after it? Holy crap!
    If I had the word, I would JUST GO BACK TO MAKING FOSTERS HOME FOR IMAGINARY FRIENDS. Those were the days: Dragon Ball Z, Ed Edd & Eddy, Batman Beyond, Samurai Jack, Codename: Kids Next Door, Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Pokemon (seasons one and two), Spongebob, Rugrats, Hey Arnold, Angry Beavers, etc.

    As a kid, I practically LIVED in these shows - after a week of school, THIS is what I looked forward to, and the atmosphere is such an exclusive nomenoum of wonder - and brought you into a world - that often strange, were realities with the most interesting characters and - while I could give a personal review for everyone - they're just plain impressive.
    And sorry that I fumbled into my own thing on your quote...but then came along all of this live series crap. Disney and Nickolodean both use live series as the main composition of their crap.

    ALL the female characters become pop divas with flaming personal problems - Disney is practically mass-producing Britney Spears!
    The movies are unoriginal, repetitive in theme, unfunny, encourage a fallacious sense of beauty, encourage usage of mainstream music [which is currently hijacked by bigoted assholes who derive no talent in displacement for computers while promoting mindless partying that is officially making the country dumber]. I'm sick of it.
    The shows are overly sarcastic when trying to be cute, and my brother can't seem to STOP watching them - he even sings along with the songs, and the songs of the female actors whom are trying to break off into a more mature audience, but sing as if they were thirteen year olds who believe to be victims and experts on love.

    As a musician, I tend to emphasize the music. We all know the music is a proxy for popular music [in general] - it's a scheme of money, not talent. And once again, especially when contemporary mainstream music encourages shallow, repetitive thinking, and promotes the usage of partying like there's no tomorrow EVERY GOD DAMN DAY!

    Give us our Cartoons back before I shut down the power to the country - geez.
    And by the way, I'm only so upset because of the impact of this, and what I can see.
    For example, Miley breaks off and does Party in the U.S.A. and now every time I go to a Damn K-Mart I always see some little girl purchasing one of those ridiculously short 'booty-shorts'.
  8. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
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    Must...resist...flame war...

    Okay. I'll hold it off for now. Let's not go all internet on each other here.

    I understand your viewpoint and I at first thought the same thing, chuckling at the idea when I thought it was for irony, then being disgusted when things got too far (ie music videos, clop art (nsfw), a huge fanfic database etc.). I'm not saying "You're viewpoint will change when you see the show" because it sounds to me like you already have, and I understand that not everyone can join in on the same thing. However it is entirely possible that your negative experience with overly enthusiastic fans in real life has given you a negative first impression to the concept of the show. Being a natural contrarian, I'm the first to want to go against anything that people express too strong an enthusiasm for. Perhaps the only reason I'm a fan of my little pony is because those who introduced it to me did so with a level head, curbing their appreciation for the show until I thought "Hey, this is kinda good." Then, like a disease, my respect for the show expanded into extended hours on the internet searching for pictures, stories and music just to get my "pony-fix".

    On the other hand, you might have just posted here to get things off your chest without a response from any other member. You might not care at all for what a brony like I have to say. However if that's not the case, and you'd like to hear it from the point of view of a self-considered "sane brony", just let me know and I'll happily explain why I think so many people can take the fandom to such extreme levels and can do so, despite my earliest contempt, without judgment.

    I know this is a ranting thread, but we've got this whole "love and tolerate" thing going around, so I can't really tell you off :p
    #588 Tedium, Jul 13, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2012
  9. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Very much agreed.. I don't see how some people can listen to that stuff more than a couple times. Call me prude but I don't get much enjoyment from a lot of today's pop music.
  10. Ligit Dragon

    Ligit Dragon Promethean

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    I hate when I have to piss but can't unless I ****, **** NATURE!
  11. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That sounds awful, bro. You should get that checked out.
  12. n3rdness

    n3rdness Forerunner

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    I was pretty angry when I wrote this so allow me to reiterate while I'm relatively calm. Keep in mind many of the points I made still stand. Also, you're completely entited to be mad and tell me off. It's a thread about venting your frustrations and you don't have to love and tolerate where you don't think love and tolerance is deserved.

    Yes, I have given the show a try. In fact, I've given it multiple tries. Even so, some of my online friends, most namely Confused Flamingo continue to insist that I watch every episode. He's thoroughly convinced that I'm some sort of closeted brony. I've assured him multiple times that this is not the case.

    Yes, I am aware that personal negative experience has also thrown a lot of bias into my viewpoint. However, my negative view of the fandom comes more from the Internet community in general than it does from my real world experience with it. Once again, I am completely aware that down to Earth individuals like yourself can exist inside the fandom, but am I the only one who sees that a huge percentage of it is comprised of a bunch of teenagers claiming to hold fast to your "Love and Tolerance" dogma only to turn around at the slightest hint of hostility and indifference shouting, "PONY PERSECUTION!" then proceeding to lash back without the slightest hint of altruism? Pardon the run-on sentence, but holy ****. Aside from a few one to one talks with some closer friends over the Internet, those types of raving, fanboy-fueled encounters with bronies are the only types of pony encounters I've ever had!

    I can understand how someone can respect the show. I agree that it isn't just another generic girly cartoon barfed up by the media. What I cannot respect is the fandom, which has gone far past the tipping point. Somewhere along the line the majority of you stopped giving a genuine **** about the show, letting the chance to be part of an incredibly fast growing fandom of like minded people surpass the reasoning behind the actual program that started this **** in the first place.

    Trust me, I'm part of an Internet based fandom that's even more ****ed up and infinitely more controversial than bronies. Do I tell anyone about it? No, and for several reasons. One being my family and everyone else would think I'm a ****ing dumbass, and two I'm genuinely aware that no one gives a **** in the long run and that things would be much better off if I keep it to myself.

    Why the hell can't all of you? After what happened a few nights ago, I can't even talk to some of my friends without being bombarded by brony bullshit!
    #592 n3rdness, Jul 14, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2012
  13. Berb

    Berb Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I most definitely agree sir. I find that I very much prefer not to associate myself with the brony fandom because of how a large portion of them are 13-14yr old little shits who are in it for the 'social perks' (simply to either to fit in or show off how supposedly cultured and independent they are)

    Love and tolerate - Yeah, just like how this guy loved and tolerated when he wanted to destroy the Off Topic and all its frequenters.
  14. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
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    Dude, this is the internet. I know it's the internet. People here can basically say whatever the **** they want XD So when I choose not to write you off, it's because I genuinely respect your opinion, not because I'm following some bullshit, YOLO-brethren mantra such as 'Love' and 'tolerate'. I spoke more out of good humor than moral restriction :)

    I think I'm starting to see what you mean. Frankly I forgot about all that once I joined them, after which I'd naturally never get that reaction again. I have to say though, I think everyone's aware that the world is full of assholes, and the brony fandom isn't some magical net that separates the inconsiderate from the virtuous - the same percentage of assholes are caught up in that net along with everyone else. Although many bronies, such as myself, would like to believe otherwise, I suppose it's a simple fact that that isn't the case.

    Holy **** I am so ****ing curious right now.

    Fair dues, man. I reckon it's because we have a bigger fan base (I assume? Your thing sounds a little more underground but it might just be the way you're saying it), and a level of confidence comes with that which empowers a person to push past their natural fear of rejection. A guy can get a certain high of off that, along with the sense of camaraderie which you probably haven't seen yet. However it's entirely down to the individual when they abuse that confidence and practice complete disregard for how much they piss people off.

    Given the thread, I should probably rant now. Oh well.
    #594 Tedium, Jul 14, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2012
  15. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    Is it the Sonic fandom? D:
  16. n3rdness

    n3rdness Forerunner

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    The Sonic fandom scares the hell out of me sometimes.
  17. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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  18. n3rdness

    n3rdness Forerunner

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    I explained it to Tedium, but I'd rather not spout it out to the public.
  19. Pulpapple

    Pulpapple Promethean

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    Trust me - this is the internet. We know nothing of your life and probably won't hold it over you - or me at least. And you did just make us extremely inquisitive about it, so give us a hint...? lol
  20. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
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    I can't believe I almost missed this.

    <3 you too Neil.

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