Caspian Caspian is my attempt at a 1v1 map for the Smackdown contest. I tried to tailor the game mode to the map as best as I could. I have tested this twice so far and I feel like something needs to be addressed. If anyone could download and try it out I'd really appreciate it. Here are some (new) pictures of the map: Changes: Camo spawns 120s into game Sniper is moved to become more central Platform added on blue side Spawns tweaked GL removed Slight aesthetic tweaks Download
I'll download, but I don't want to play with the 1v1 settings created for the competition, I can't play FFA with radar.
I'll give this a shot if I get a game going. You can feel free to invite me to test as well. So far from what I can tell I am not a fan of the layout though, as it appears to be an oval with a center low structure.
The map itself is pretty cool, I feel there can be a little bit more railings on the sides of that 1x1 block jump, but I do like the map for its feel and aesthetics. I played this with RoboArtist, he always has something to complain about, but I only agreed with him on one thing, the nade launcher needs to be better placed. I also enjoy the hologram, I noticed it's your favorite armor ability , it gave the map your signature touch. Spawning was great, only the way the spawns are facing, I remember facing a wall like 2 or 3 times.
I just finished some games with Shik and can say this is a very fun map. Active Camo and Hologram were excellent choices, I would definatly keep those. I only really had a couple of problems with it. It's very linear, so certain positions like the rock cave were pretty easy to hold. There were a couple of cases in which I spawned in front of Shik. Camo is too close to the grenade launcher in my opinion, together they make one hell of a combination. The tactical jump near sniper spawn was a bit tough to hit.
Got a game on this. Have a few points; -On the sniper side, corner closest to the holo, there is a little edge from the Brace Larges that doesn't have a boundry, allowing a player to exit the map. Preferably cover it up to avoid the issue altogether. -There are some unfortunate soft-kills around the grenade launcher that need to be tweaked. Leaping in the air should not trigger that. -The grenade launcher needs to go. Now. -Hologram is broken. The host sees it as a red, enemy, dot, while everyone else sees it as an ivory, ally, dot. This puts the host at a disadvantage, because they cannot tell. -The hard kill on the ledge that can be ascended to via sniper-rocks is overkill. Just put a raised wall there, and do your best to avoid hard-kills. They suck. -The top area with the Holo can be camped, and there is nowhere else to go. I recommend adding a top level to that bottom side, and replacing the GL with a plasma rifle, that would be placed below that. Or something else. Basically, the low side needs to be equal in power to its opposite, to promote more movement and less camp-fest. -Spawning was odd. Few times was looking at a wall, or being pointed in a direction that didn't feel natural, but rarely had a spawn near the enemy. So some re-positioning could do wonders. Thats what I saw. Your map isn't the best of the maps i've played, but its not the worst by far. Fix these things, maybe make it a bit prettier, and you may go far.
Thank you so much for the feedback. Couple of comments: -Why does the GL need to go? Too powerful? If the other side has sniper, how would replacing it with a PR be sufficient? -Didn't realized that about hologram. Kinda disappointing. -In regards to your second to last point, what do you mean by there is nowhere else to go? Not too sure what you mean by adding a top level. Are you saying I should add more 'dance floor' in the area opposite to holo? Thanks again.
-Its too powerful for such a small map. It basically guarantees two kills. -Yeah, its lame cus Holo is goddamn awesome. -There needs to be reason to go somewhere other than the holo-plat. Offering another power position is an effective way of doing so.
Man, seems like Shik has been all over this map haha. He showed it to me earlier and we got a game on it. I have to say I liked it a lot more than I thought I would. If Reflex is right about the hologram, that kinda blows. I really liked it in combination with the invis. Only real thing I noticed was that we spawned right in front of each other quite a bit. Other than that though I found it to be a pretty fun map!
Wait Shik, you saw it as an enemy dot in our game? I did too. I'm a little confused about this thing...
Well, I played it with Basketskate too, I don't remember about our game. But, this is so far my favorite 1v1 map I've tested.
OP updated with latest download link as well as the newest pics. I'd love some more feedback from anyone regarding anything. Thanks.
Caspian thoughts i downloaded the map, and i was really impressed by the different ideas you had, like the walkway large with satellite piece looked great, i think the main problem with this map is that there is no coherent theme to it, like the center arena looking thing has one bridge made out of a brace piece, and the other side with a 2x4, it's ruins the symmetry of the center piece in the otherwise asymmetrical map, the walls with the bridge pieces and inclines kind of follows a theme, overall each area of the map, the back with the walkway high-ground location each have their own theme, i think thats what makes them not flow together as 1 map, they feel like parts of like 4 different maps, great parts, sick looking, they just don't work well together. that's my thoughts on it, nice job though i love your forge style.
The whole map looks cool, The middle platform , and the back area with the multiple balcony BUT the only things is lighting. I know that we are not gonna be judge on our Aestetics but i think they gonna take a map that play well and look well . Maybe change your forge location ? So i suggest to rebuild it in another area that dont suck with lighting .