Download Link This is a map I came up with while bored at work. I was just drawing my usual doodles and then out of nowhere came a full sketch of a map layout. It's an inversely symmetrical map. The basic layout is two sideways "U"s overlapping each other with the high end of one U on top of the low end of the other U, and vice versa. I haven't put too much emphasis on aesthetics yet, I'm still fine tuning the layout. I designed this map for the Smackdown contest, but if I don't like how it plays with the specific settings I will simply leave it for general 1v1/2v2. Some theory behind the map (Put in spoilers, I know some of you just want to see pics xD) Spoiler My overall intention was to place importance on getting to high ground, and then fighting for that high ground to keep the advantage. When players initially spawn they are visually drawn up the slope of their respective "U"s. At the top of each U is a Grenade Launcher and Sprint. The fact that there are 2 GLs was a bit worrisome, so I went with 0 extra clips and a 150 sec respawn to balance it out. The Sprint, however, has an extremely quick respawn time, giving players more of an incentive to move upwards to high ground. Being a relatively large 1v1 map, both players having Sprint hasn't really felt like a big issue so far. Another thing I kept in mind while making this map was the enhanced radar for the contest. I tried to combat it somewhat by having several paths in between the two U's that can become very confusing if someone tries to rely too much on their radar. I've still got plenty of testing to do, so if you'd like to help out, let me know! Old Pics Spoiler
This map is pretty cool, but testing it a couple times, I think it might play better for doubles, yet the radar in the Smackdown settings give the map a small feel.
Only dont like that it's symmetrical- not the best to have in your 1v1 maps. Other than this I am interested to play, invite me some time.
Im not very interested about playing a Sym 1v1 map , Also why Grenade launcher with sprint at the same location ?
You got it. I understand the dislike for the symmetrical 1v1, in fact I'm usually the same way. But for this map I was attempting to give it a more circular-ish flow so it doesn't actually feel like a symmetrical map. At least that's what I was going for, we'll see how it works out. And about the GL, there's no extra clip and respawns at 150, and since Sprint respawns so quick it's not really treated as a Power-up.
Looking at the pics, I can't grasp the layout at all. Concerning your theory: You rarely have to think about giving players incentive to move upward. It is a player's natural instinct to obtain high ground. What you should think about, is giving players incentive to move off of high ground after controlling it, otherwise your map will have poor flow. You should never encourage players to hold down a position, and not give the opposing player an appropriate counter. So what I'm saying is that people will naturally try to obtain high ground, you need to use weapons/powerups/armor abilities to push them off of the power position.
My friend Fatality showed me this. Its alot of fun to play on and the close quarters DMR combat can get pretty intense.
Yea, it was a little difficult trying to display the full layout from pictures, I'd be glad to show you over LIVE if ya'd like. I understand that people's natural tendency is to move upward, but by putting power weapons in the lower area of this map, way too much emphasis would be put on the fighting in that area. Since the top isn't overly advantageous to begin with and the GL has 0 extra clips, the action isn't solely up top. There's also a sniper and a CP on either side of the map, halfway up each U, which attracts people away from the top. I just didn't want the action to be heavily focused at the lowest level. There's a plasma pistol and a needler at the either side of the lower area, which aren't technically power weapons but can be very deadly if used effectively. So overall there are still incentives to move around the map. Haha, I guess I should've explained more in my OP. And, I am toying with moving the Sprint AA's somewhere else besides the top, it's highly possible they could end up at the bottom floor. But yeah, the layout is a little confusing from my description and pics, so if you want I can definitely show you sometime. Thanks Robo! I'm glad you liked it. Just curious, I know Fatality liked Sprint on the map but I'm trying to get as much feedback as possible, did you think it was too much or did it work well? OP updated with the download link if any of you guys wanna check it out.
its queued for download so im gonna check it out when i get home. From the screenshots i get a Doom feeling. Again without playing, or a top down screenshot, its difficult to see the layout but ill get it when i play. Even b4 playing i would think to get rid of the sprints just because 120% movement speed is already rllllllllllllly fast and ur at a disadvantage if ur caught while sprinting. Since im gonna check it out u want me to do a vid for u again?
I mean if you're offering I can't say no haha. What time will you be on? If you wanted to 1v1 and cap that it would be awesome, let me know! But if you're busy then no worries, this won't be the final version anyway.
I've made some aesthetic updates, removed the two-way teleporters, and geared the weapon set more towards a 2v2. It doesn't play quite like I had hoped for Smackdown, but I think it suits Team Doubles pretty well. I still want to get a lot more testing done though so if you wanna help let me know Spoiler